Activism At A Glance featured activist Emmanuel Barbee

It has always been my passion to write about activism, and to see people going through the process of trying to make a change.  Since I was a teenager I have had a deep respect for leaders like Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. There are over 340 leaders that has made a difference in the Black community, and the numbers are steadily rising.  
I truly believe that it takes more than one person to strengthen communities that has been torn down by poverty, racism, and dysfunction that has been brought on by society.  As a current activist I know that it takes dedication, commitment, but most of all it takes a vision and compassion to lead a movement of change.
There has to be a deep love for people, and you have to have a heart in order to bring about a change in the world. I have always had admiration for the men and women who are taking the time to care for other people, and the way that they are living. It takes a strong man, or woman to look at the interest of all people, and they stand up to make a difference in the lives of others.
Today we will be looking at the The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement ,and how this movement plans to change the lives of those that reside in the inner cities. We will take a look at the founder, learn about the mission and objective of this movement, and I will conclude on how we as a people can support this movement.
Today I am shining a light on an activist that has a vision to make a change in his city. Emmanuel Barbee, is an urban author, and he is the founder of The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement. It is a virtual online community that was founded by Mr. Barbee, back in 1991.

The mission of The Grass Roots Community Activist Movement is to eradicate urban violence in the city of Chicago.  Through the movement Emmanuel has plans to assists clients and members in reaching their personal goals. One Of the most important parts of the mission is there are plans in place to help restore the black community, and help black families that are in the ghettos.  The movement will offer programs , and services for single black mothers and fathers.
In his book “The Solution For Black America” Emmanuel Barbee states “To give back to my people that are trapped in American ghettos a chance to fully heal from the scars of slavery, and liberate their mind set first by educating them about democratic socialism and Christian Socialism.” (The Solution for Black America)
The vision is to “Become the true voice to those who are trapped in American ghettos due to their socio-economic conditions”  The beauty of Emmanual’s vision, and the most important component is the plan to unite black communities across the nation, in hopes of creating a more united a stronger support system in the black communities.
You will need to purchase the book in order to understand the beauty of the vision, and get a better understanding of what this movement is all about.  I have my own personal copy, and I can say that the story will move your Spirit. This article that I am writing is just a small summary of the author, and all the work that  he is doing.
I have respect for Emmanuel, because he has a vision, and a plan to help God's people. As a people we have to lift each other up, and show our support for people that want to see change happen in our communities.
I have shown support for most activist, and have personally got involved in the fight to help bring change to the inner cities. I know that God has designed one major plan, and I hope that the end results will be better communities and lives for all people.
Emmanuel Barbee, is on many social media outlets, and can be found on sites like Facebook, Twitter, Mix Cloud, and many others. I would recommend that you purchase the book The Solution for Black America it will be a blessing to read. Next week I will take a look at how poverty is affecting African Americans in rural areas in the South.
I pray to the LORD that you have been inspired by the story that you have just read. As people we all have a role to play in helping each other. God's command is for us to love one another. Oftentimes we get so caught up in our own lives, and we turn a blind eye to those people that are suffering. How many men, women, and children have you seen that are living in poverty? I can remember my childhood, and how poor we were. It was God's grace that saved us from the death of poverty. When I think about it God has saved me over and over again. His love and mercy has brought me through the jaws of poverty. It can have very profound affect on the people that has suffered a life of not having what they need. May we all search our hearts, and pray for a better outcome for our brothers and sisters that are not able to survive. This is more than a plate a food, or a bed to sleep in, this is helping people learn how to obtain wealh, helping people become mentally stable. This is about helping someone learn about finances. This is helping our children become healthy adults in society, and helping our sons stay of prison,a nd help our daughters stay out of the welfare system.
I am encouraging each of you today to take and stand and support the Grass Root Community Activist Movement, and other organizations that has the desire to bring about change. God bless you , and until next time may GOD bless you with peace and prosperity.


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