
Showing posts from April, 2019

A prayer for protection

LORD Today GOD I want to pray for our world AS we see the increase of hate and violence I want to intercede for the people that have lost someone Due to the crime of guns and  other crimes that have been committed Father God I am in prayer I come to you AS humble as I know how Father I pray that You will protect Every man woman and child I pray that you will be a comfort To those that have lost loved ones due to violence and hate Father God WE live in a beautiful world But there is so much hate violence And some are living in fear for their lives We know that we serve a mighty GOD And we serve a good GOD But I am asking Father PLEASE look down on your people I praise you God Because you are worthy And you are the Creator of all I pray that you will protect I pray that you will watch over Everybody that resides in this world In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the Written Word

A Prayer for Women

Dear LORD Today my prayer is for the mothers of the earth AS women We face so many things We are mothers We are wives We are sisters We are daughters WE have so many responsibilities And yet we are still in awe Of your mercy and grace I praise you LORD For all the blessings that you have bestowed There is a release of joy There is a release of peace May there be a release of peace For every woman on this earth I ask and pray LORD That you will bless us as women I am grateful and thankful To be a daughter of the most high God In JESUS name I pray Amen and thank GOD Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the Written WORD

My Help Prayer

In the mist of the storm LORD I know that I can count on you I look to hills in which my help comes from So many times LORD I have been in a situation That it seems I could not handle And I have looked for someone To tell me that it would be okay So many times People do not have a clue What we may face They cannot fathom The pain and the heartache that one has to endure THANK YOU LORD for being a beacon of light Thank you  for being My help in a time of trouble Thank you That I can sit in your presence You words are soothing And you are the TRUE essence of love I look to you today For all of my needs THANK YOU LORD for a blessed week ahead May you protect us Keep us safe And provide our needs According to your WORD Thank you LORD in JESUS name I PRAY Amen Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word

LORD please ENTER IN prayer

Dear LORD There is a single mother  Who may not have the means  To feed her family There is a father that is struggling to  Take care of his children Father there are marriages that are in trouble There is a child this morning  That is struggling with depression There are people That are struggling with suicide There are women right now That has lost their self esteem Due to emotional and mental abuse There are young girls and boys  That are having trouble with their identity LORD there are people that are hurting Someone has lost their life due  To addiction affliction and issues Father God I pray right now That you will enter in  The places where we need you LORD The secret places that  No one knows about The secret places of hurt The secrets places of pain And the secret places of trouble WE need thee LORD Every hour of the day HALLELUJAH Father God I  pray That you will enter in  And make us whole FATHER In Je

Prayer To Let My Light Shine

Dear Lord Thank you for this day I am thankful that  This is the day that the Lord has made Today God I pray  That I make an impact today I pray that I can be a blessing I pray  That something will be done There is something that will be said People can look at me And see the God in me Praise the Lord That I have the ability to make a difference This little light of mine  God let it shine Let my gifts Let my talents Let my voice be a beacon of light For the world to see Thank you Jesus I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word

Prayer For Tuesday

Dear Lord Today I could not ask for a better day You have give me another day That  I am so grateful for My God  My Creator In whom I  have placed  All of my hope You have provided me With everything that I need You are my God In whom I can rely on With you all things  Have been made possible Some believe in the Universe But I believe In the one that created the universe Yo are the Creator of heaven and earth I am in awe of you Lord In amazement of your love And what you have done for  All of your people Your children Thank you Father For this amazing day Thank you for loving me  In Jesus name  I pray Amen Evangelist is a minister of the written word.

Prayer on This Good Friday

There is a price that he has paid My LORD has given his life for my sake A debt that I can never repay He had stretched out HIS arms and died For every soul That has ever been or will be born in this earth AS we remember what Jesus has done I will offer my praise Forevermore to the LORD As we continue to celebrate  One of the greatest events in our history I offer you my love I come to you as humbly as I know how I could sing of your love forever You are God The Creator of all things Abba Father we worship you WE thank you LORD  For all that you have done on Calvary Thank you LORD In Jesus precious name Amen Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word Copyrights of this picture belongs to CBN.

Psalm of Integrity Psalm 100

I   will   sing   of   c steadfast   love   and   justice ; to   you ,  O   L ORD ,  I   will   make   music . 2  I   will   d ponder   the   way   e that   is   blameless . Oh   when   will   you   f come   to   me ? I   will   g walk   with   h integrity   of   heart within   my   house ; 3  I   will   not   set   before   my   eyes anything   i that   is   worthless . I   hate   the   work   of   those   who   j fall   away ; it   shall   not   cling   to   me . 4  k A   perverse   heart   shall   be   far   from   me ; I   will   l know   nothing   of   evil . 5  Whoever   slanders   his   neighbor   m secretly I   will   n destroy . Whoever   has   a   o haughty   look   and   an   p arrogant   heart I   will   not   endure . 6  I   will   look   with   favor   on   the   faithful   in   the   land , that   they   may   dwell   with   me ; he   who   walks   in   q the   way   that   is   blameless shall   minister   to   me . 7  No  

My Prayer Unto Thee

Dear LORD I come to you as humble as I know how I bring all things at  your feet I know that all things good and bad Have been created  To work for my good I have faith  The size of a mustard seed Though some days my faith may waiver I am confident That you love me LORD I long to be in your presence I long to hear your voice I silently wait to hear the whisper Ever so sweet n my ear When I call in prayer LORD I know that you hear me I know where my help comes from Your song rests in my heart And a praise shall always be in my lips You are the GOD You are the CREATOR You cause the wind and the sea to calm With the sound of your mighty voice You are the Lord I am forever grateful to you  O LORD You are my God In Jesus mighty name I pray Amen  Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word

Bounce Back Prayer

D ear Lord  Today I come to you as humble As I know how Today God I am prepared to bounce back I am coming out of depression I am coming out of debt I am getting rid of this addiction I am breaking free from a negative mindset I am believing for my healing from this sickness God you are able To set me free from this hell God I say no to suicide I am bouncing back LORD I am on a come back I am rising to a new level I am going to be elevated I am going to be rising May every dead thing in my life BE resurrected in the name of Jesus I got that bounce back anointing I got that rise up Spirit I got that mind of elevation I got that next level thinking I pray that God will answer you  Suddenly Quickly He is an on time God IN Jesus name I pray Amen Thank God Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word

Bless THe Lord Prayer

Dear Lord Thank you for this day This is the day  That the Lord has made And I will rejoice and be glad in it You have caused the Sun to rise And I honor you  With all that is in me I give you the praise That you deserve You cause the seas to be still You can command the ocean You can the winds to calm May your peace Flow from one end of the earth To the other I am confident Because you are my God Your Spirit flows through me Thank you Father For you are good You are God In Jesus Christ I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the Written Word

A Prayer for Wednesday

Father God  Thank you for peace Thank you Father  That I have been given The opportunity of a new day You have granted me  This opportunity to live To breathe To enjoy And to be alive God I know That all things could have gone wrong I could have been dead and gone But God you have seen me through By your mighty hand I have been saved My family is well My children are well Lord I am well I could have been any where this morning I could have been homeless I could have been sick I could have been in my grave But God you have brought me though the worst of times And I thank you Lord In Jesus Christ name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda Matthews is a minister of the written word.

Prayer of Thanks to GOD

Dear LORD You have given me life That I hae may have it And have it more abundantly I thank you Lord  For being my Father I have come to you as humbly as I know how I come to you with a pure heart I come to you in prayer You are the Lord I thank you God For being the Lord of my life Because of you God I have found the true meaning of peace I have found the true meaning of love It does not matter who has walked away It does not matter  What is going on in this world I acan say that  You have been my refuge Every body has their definition of who you are But to me you are LOVE You have been my mother and my father You have been both brother and sister And Lord you have been a friend to me You are all these things What greater love can I find Because of you  I can hold my head up and say That you are ABBA You are the Lord MY GOD Your peace is within me There is none like you  Thank you for this day LORD In Jesus name I

Prayer Monday

Thank you God for always being in time You are the LORD of my life I can count on you dear LORD You have never left or forsaken me You are the Lord The God that I adore This is the day  That you have made I will rejoice and be glad in it Praise the Lord My father God I praise your Holy name On this day I delight myself  In your presence I thank you Father For life And life I have more abundantly Thank you Father Hallelujah You are the Lord

Friday Prayer

Lord Thank you for my life If there was ever a time to be excited I am so glad to be alive You are the God of my life And you have given me a chance  To live again today You are the LORD My GOD In you I have placed all of my hope In you I can say That I believe in you Lord Father God I am thankful for you Lord You are the God of all I thank you Lord  For all of my gifts I thank you for allowing me  To share my gifts with the world I thank you for everything Lord You are God And I thank you  Amen and Thank God Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word.

Psalm 91 Prayer

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High      will rest in the shadow  of the Almighty. 2  I will say of the  Lord , “He is my refuge  and my fortress,      my God, in whom I trust.” 3  Surely he will save you      from the fowler’s snare      and from the deadly pestilence. 4  He will cover you with his feathers,      and under his wings you will find refuge;      his faithfulness will be your shield  and rampart. 5  You will not fear  the terror of night,      nor the arrow that flies by day, 6  nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,      nor the plague that destroys at midday. 7  A thousand may fall at your side,      ten thousand at your right hand,      but it will not come near you. 8  You will only observe with your eyes      and see the punishment of the wicked. 9  If you say, “The  Lord  is my refuge,”      and you make the Most High your dwelling, 10  no harm  will overtake you,      no disaster will come near your tent. 11  For h

LIfe IS a Gift

I thank the Lord for today and I am glad that I am here.  This is a WORD that the Lord has given me, and I want to share it with you today.  I can remember six years ago I had a fight for my life.  I am thinking back at the day that I almost lost my life.  It has been in my mind all these years, and I am so thankful that I am still here.  I have to give glory to the Lord for the mercy and grace that he has shown me over the years.  I can think of at least twenty things that I am thankful for, and I will never take that for granted.  This WORD is meant for anyone that has ever experienced something so tragic that you felt that it was going to take you  out.  Well, this word is for you.. Today I had a brief flashback.  I can remember the day that I had my stroke.  That is one experience that has help to shape my life, and how I have come to appreciate what God has given me.  As I look back I can say that I have come a long way from that moment in time.  I have grown, and I can say that

Im Coming Out Prayer

Thank you Jesus I am coming out today I am coming out of my depression God is breaking every chain I am coming out of debt I am coming out of disease I am coming out of barrenness I am coming out of poverty Lord I am coming out of my mental jail I'm coming out of being down and out I am dropping these suicidal thoughts I am coming out of this hell I'm laying everything at your feet God Yes I am coming out today I'm going to shine I can do all things through Christ That gives me strength Yes Lord I declare this day I have an expectancy Yes Jesus I pray  I pray I pray And I declare Amen and Amen Hallelujah

Prayer of Victory

This is the day That the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it Lord I thank you for this day This new month That I have entered Thank you Jesus For a new start A new beginning of this week I claim victory today Despite of what I have been through Despite of what I am going through You are God And I have victory in you Thank you Lord In Jesus name I pray Amen