Unrequited Love

Today I want to minister about unrequitted love.  Unrequitted love is love that is one sided, and is not returned, or not rewarded.  It is more a relationship that a person is having by him/herself.  Sometimes we try to love people, or things that we desire, but in return this person, or thing does not love us in return.  To delve a little deeper imagine being in a relationship, and you are putting forth 100 percent, and the other individual has no intention of returning the effort, or the love that you have been giving.  When you think of such a relationship it can be quite painful, and may even cause you some heart break. Whether you have been there,  or you know someone that has been there today this message is for you.

I remember one time before I had known more wisdom.. I had a brief case of unrequitted love.  I was doing what I thought a woman should do in a relationship, and I had found myself doing more than I had needed to do.  For some time I had put forth so much effort that I had casued myself stress, and I had found myself questioning the relationship.  Overtime I had soon realized that I had been doing "love" in all the wrong ways, and all the wrong reasons.  In fact my experience with unrequited" or "unrecipricated"  love was a very painful, and a hard lesson that I had to learn.

May the Holy Spirit lead with this teaching.  Now inagine if God gave us that type of love.  Could you even imagine the "King of The World" giving us love that is not rewarded or given in return?  No!  I could never imagine a Father that is full of love not returning , or rewarding us with love.  The Bible says in 1John 7-12 it deeply explains that God is love. In verse 9-10 it says "This is how God showed his love among us; He sent his one and only son into the world that we might live through him.  This is love not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins."    I have placed a focus on God's love, because this is a type of love that has rewards, benefits, and it is more than a one sided relationship.

I am not saying that there is no such thing as a relationship where real love will never be returned.  I am saying that I have seen so many people that have fallen into a world of bitterness, and hurt because someone did not love them back.  Yes, if you have ever experienced unrequited love from a spouse, family member, friend, or people then you know that the pain, and the hurt may be very difficult to deal with.  But there is a God that loves you for all infinity.  He will never leave, nor forsake you under any circumstance.  He will stick closer than a brother, he will love you more than anyone ever could, and he returns, or rewards you with all the love that you may need in this life and after.   Not only that but the love of SELF can be just as powerful as you learn who you are in CHRIST, and you have truly found your identity in this world.  You will learn to walk in the light of what you deserve, and there will be no confusion when good and healthy relationships come, and with the good relationships we will learn to embrace, and love those that love us.

I thank God for the many lessons that have helped me to grow into the woman of God that I have become.  I represent what I think that I am in the eyes of my Father.  I know that I truly deserve someone that will love me equally.  I will love the individual, and he/she will love me in return.  1 John 4:17 tells us that "Love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgement."  Verse 18 tells us there is no fear in love, but 'perfect love' drives out fear.  Now that I have known the Love of God and the Love of Self I am able to recieve 'perfect love' from other people, and not feel like I am carrying the weight and pain of an individual that is not loving me properly.  Thank God for this lesson.

I hope that you have been blessed by the Evangelist of the Written Word.  I thank God for you today.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.  And may good health be your portion. 


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