Staying Motivated During The Journey

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Okay I am two weeks into my plan, and everything is going great.  When I think of the first half of my weight loss journey, I think about all of the will power that I had in the beginning.  I think about how easy it was to encourage myself, and I think about all the optimism that I had in my mind, but there were days that I did not feel like going forward.  I mean I was not prepared for the days that I was not prepared for an obstacle.  There have been days that I did not wnat to work out.  I did not want to practice self dicipline, and i just wanted to eat the cookie in fridge.  How many times have you been standing on the scale, and you just felt like none of this is worth it? 

Well, in my case there have been plenty of days that I would quit after two to three days of trying to bring change.  In the past I have procrastinated, and made the choice not to eat right, workout, or work to reach my goals.  In my mind to day i truly wonder what have I been thinking? 

About two weeks ago I made a choice to get myself in shape.  I have made a decision that I am starting with the girl in the mirror.  I have made a point to eat right on a daily basis, excerise at least five times a week, and drink plenty of water.  You see there are things that you can  change, and then there are things that you cannot change.. I don't care how hard yoy try there are some things in life that you simply cannot control.  In my case I cam and will change the way I look, and I am excited about it.

Here are a few steps that you can take to stay motivated on this journey. 
Stay in the Word and Pray
  • Stay focused on what you are working on
  • Create a plan or vision board with what you desire
  • Have an accountability partner of possible
  • Keep positive images, music, and messages around
  • Remember take it one day at a time some things take time to work

You are worth it all.  God has called us to live our best lives possible I am doing this for ME.I hope that something has been said that will help you today.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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