A Prayer for Those Unseen Times

Dear Lord
I thank you for the times that I spend in your presence
The times that no one can see
See that I am hurting
See that I have been laboring with my tears
The times that it seems like all hell has been breaking loose in my life
The times that the kids didn't want to act right
My wife was being difficult
My husband had no understanding
The times that there was no food on the table
That time when I felt like giving up
Or the time I simply had no direction
Did I metion the time ALL the bills were due, and I had no momey
Lord I need to know that you will be there 
During those unseen times
Times when people think that all is well
And they think that I am okay
But I am just too embarraessed to tell anyone that I am hurting
This prayer is for those unseen times
The moments that I can come in your presense
I can pray to you
I can let go and be ME
God I am so grateful that you love ME
Thank you Father for your unfailing love
This is my testtimony 
My prayer for the unseen times


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