Prayer for Teens and Children Who Are Away From Home

I cannot imagine what life would be like if I were a young girl that had ran away from home.  How would I feel if I were lost, vulnerable, and had no where to go?  Would I be scared?  Would I hate my parents for not taking better care of me?  So many things come to mind as I sit and write about this.

I know a young lady that is currently homeless, and my heart aches for her.  I have two girls, and cannot imagine them being out in the street with no where to go.  Each day that I have with my kids is a treasure, and not a moment is taken for granted.  Each day I practice godly character, and see how I can be a blessing to someone else.

Today's prayer is for the teens, and children that have ran away from home.  Those that are in the streets with no way to go, and they are a long way from home.  Somebody's parents are worried sick tonight, and they are missing their child/children.  I hope that this prayer will minister to you today as I pray and minister for and about lost and run away teens.

Today I pray for lost and run away teens
Give them a Spirit of settlement
Do not let them to continue to wander alone Father
Give them a heart of contentment
Do not let them
Succumb to the dangers of the streets
I pray God that any restless Spirit 
Will be rejuvenated by your love
Give others a heart of understanding 
Let them have a heart of compassion
To help these childen find their way home
I pray that all those that are missing
Will be found and safely returned home to their families
Those cases that have turned cold
Let their be closure for the families
Thank you God that you will reply to these prayers
We praise you Father
In Jesus precious name we pray

"If you believe, you will recieve whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:12


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