
Showing posts from 2018

A Look Back At Brokeness

Brokenness is defined as a separation of two or more pieces.  It can be sundered by divide, separation, or disertion. It can on relation to broken, a broken marriage, or something as simple as a broken promise. In simpler terms brokenness is being incomplete, or a state of disarray and disorder.  Many people see brokenness, and refer to it as just being broken before God, but I want to talk about emotional and mental brokenness. I hope that you will sit back and read my story.  Let me minister to your heart and spirit.  You may find that you or someone you know has suffered from being broken and hurt.  Psalms 34:18 says "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted, and saves those who are crushed in the Spirit".  This is a series of lessons and posts on brokenness and healing. I want to deeply minister to the women that have been touched by the brokenness of divorce, mental emotional, and physical abuse.  Maybe you have dealt with abandonment and dissertion.  I want to

It is All Love

Right now at this very moment somebody needs to hear your voice.  This time of year hundreds if not thousands of people are suffering from depression.  They have not yet discovered the peace, or solace that they need. I feel sorrow for anyone who is trapped in an unwanted place, or unwanted state of mind.  They can't seem to break free from the chains of sadness, misery, and hopelessness.  They struggle with day to day life, and feel too much pressure to talk.  We as a people can and will learn to love another.  Religion, color, gender, nor nationality will not keep us divided.  Simple things like holidays, ideologies will not separate us from family and friends.  We will not always be focused on who is always right.  It's all about LOVE this time of year.  The world needs more love.. I have seen so many sad faces lately, and it breaks my heart to see so many of my brothers and sisters suffering from a variation of emotional, mental, and spiritual pain.  I had to cry after

How Do YOU See God in Your Life?

The Lord knows all about the issues that we may face in our lives. He is aware of every ache and pain that I have endured through the years. God has seen my thoughts before I made plans to utter a word. God knows when I am getting ready to cry, and he has seen the moments where I was ready to give up. Nobody knows your journey, or the plans that the Lord has made for your life. You and I can be in the same room for days, but we both have different assignments. Our visions are different, but we are both made by God. He has perfect knowledge of man, and he knows all about what he is going to do for you. The scripture says "O Lord You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all of my ways." Psalm 139:1-3. You do not have to feel like you are alone. God has known you from the point of conception. He knew what color eyes would be , and yes he

What Are You Sowing?

It has been a long time I hope that all of you had a very blessed Thanksgiving.  I for one had a lovely tie with my family, and we are still going strong in this holiday season.  With Christmas right around the corner we are just getting started with the holiday cheer.  With that reminder please, bless someone this year.  There are those that are less fortunate, and there are plenty of people that need a blessing.  For some it may be food, clothing, and shelter..for others it may be love, joy, and peace.  There never will be a perfect moment to sow into someone's life, and all things needed may not be monetary. Just think about all the incarcerated men, and women that are locked up this season.  Some of these brothers, and sisters have no family.  Many of them have been left behind and abandoned.  What about the thousands of children who are in foster care, or the millions of kids that are unable to see their mothers and fathers due to incarceration.  Did I mention all of the hom


Today I want to share a throwback post from a year ago.  It takes a deep look at seeking knowlegde for yourself.  Regardless of what you believe taking the time to study the Word is very important.  I will be taking the time to speak, or write more on this topic, but for now I hope you enjoy this post for this Monday.. Be blessed. Today something heavy is laying on my spirit.  It seems as if it is almost troubling, and disturbing.  Normally there is a calm in me on a Sunday morning, but the atmosphere is deeply disturbed.  I had spent all of Saturday night perusing the internet, and reading material to catch up on world events.  I have watched several videos that had a message of end time prophecy, and realize that Christianity is heavily under attack.   There seems to be millions of religions that claim to be the right religion, and then there are the people that are currently spreading there agenda of no religious association.  My thought is how can the people not become confused,

When I Look Back

Some time ago I had written an article that had an impact on some young women.  How often do we feel inadequate?  There have been moments in my younger years that I had many issues.  Wben I look back I was very broken emotionally and mentally.  One time my children had a chance to see me break down.  Thank God I have found my way.  I had to make up my mind that I would be well and healthy. Below is a post that I had written on youth and depression.  Take a look I think that you will be blessed. A long time ago I had the pleasure of meeting a young lady who had suffered from low self esteem and depression.  She very talented, and an exceptional young lady.  Like most young women I know she could not see what God had created in her.  She believed that her physical beauty was more important than what was on the inside. For years she had been tormented, and teased for what she looked like.  What she had experienced left her with emotional scars, and made her feel less valuable.  There

Words Worth Reciting

This morning has been one of creativity.  I have been busy creating, and giving life to my idras.  There was a time that I was afraid to share my gifts, and many of my poems had gone unpublished.  I was too scared to sing , to timid to read my articles.  For a while I had felt like a failure by not sharing my gifts.  I had to get rid of the fear, and let my voice be heard. As I look back on 27 years of writing I can say that I am proud of how I have evolved.  I have passed along some good lessons to my kids, and they are developing goals and dreams of their own.  Sometimes we become to afraud to step out in knee deep water, in fear that we will drown, but if we trust in our Source we know that he will not let us falter. With that being said I want to lrave you with a few words of encouragement.  Seek God's plan for your life.  Never be afraid to try, and keep aiming High... That's it.  Below is one of my favorite post.  It was written during a time when I really had a des

The Many Faces of Motherhood

Wow the summer is a half mark, and fall is fast approaching.  Tge days of being by the pool sude, and sipping lemonade are quickly dwindling.  Last week I got an interesting email from one of my mentors.  In the email there was a message of living without regret.  That has had me thinking of taking a new direction in my ministry.  Motherhood is the basis of my ministry.  I have a strong focus, and passion to reach single mothers.  As a mother of three teenagers, and one active preteen I have gained a vast amount of knowledge on parenting.  As the week unfolds I will be featuring posts on motherhood, parenting, and topics pertaining to children.  I'm very excited about what God is doing in this season.  Below is an article that was written a few years ago.  I look forward to the newness of the week.  Enjoy and be blessed. Greetings everyone I hope that God is blessing you with peace and prosperity.  you know I really love this time of year.  I love watching the seasons change.  

Prayer Works Every Time

In the name of Jesus I pray that we can gain knowledge, and truth about the Word of God.  Father some are confused, and they don't know what to believe.  They want to pray, but don't know how.  They may believe in you, but they need direction.  My prayer is that all men, women, and children will come to know you as Father, God, and King.  Here are a list of scriptures from the word that deals with prayer. May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting of my hands be like the evening sacrafice.  Psalm 141:2 Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy.  Psalm 86:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God.  Phillipians 4:6 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.  Colossians 4:2 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.  Psalm 6:9 Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near.  Isaiah 55:6 Ask and it will be give

Saturday Prayer and More Praise

This morning while in meditation the Spirit of the Lord fell on me, and I began to hear the voice of the Lord.  You see I was praying about my life.  What should I do LORD?  How do I know Lord?  When should I?....  Right then and there I had closed my mouth to see if I could hear God's still quiet voice. Some days it's okay to be quiet in the presence of God.  Allow the Holy Spirit to commune with you.  Sometimes I play soft worship music, and allow the Spirit to move.  Don't get so caught up in the questions of life.  God has plans for you.  Jeremiah 29:11 came to my mind, and it says " For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper you  and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." (NIV) It is not everyday that you are going to know what to do in your life, but rest assured God has already ordered your foot steps in his Word.   Now days people have been clouded by a blanket of confusion.  It is so many doctrines,

Power Prayer Tuesday Prayer and Meditation

Today I want to talk about prayer on this Prayer filled Tuesday.  The Spirit has been dealing with me on prayer and meditation.  I have even made a daily habit to pray at least three times a day.  As you read about prayer, and meditation I hope this word will speak to your Spirit.  I hope that it will minister a calm word to you.  God's presence is calming.  It can bring comfort and solace.  Be blessed as you read about prayer. I believe there is power in prayer.  As I continue to delve deeper in my study of prayer and meditation I am learning many new things about the power of prayer.  Prayer is my time where I can communicate with God, and listen to his voice.  It is within the moment of prayer that I have discovered how powerful it is.  It is more than just a simple conversation , or a time to ask for help.  Prayer is my time to converse and commune with my Father. During prayer I am in the presence of God, and I have a sense of peace as I pray.  The Holy Spirit has tau

Awareness Sunday. Teens and Depression

Today the 1st day of July, and it is Awareness Sunday on the website.  I am very compassionate about people especially teens and children.  Today on awareness Sunday I am focusing on teens,and depression.  Our children face so much in third lives.  They are facing some major issues, and many of them are silently suffering.  I have seen parents that have no answer, and they watch helpless as their child struggle with sadness, anger, and suicide. Today I am shining a light on the darkness of depression, and the dark cloud it can and has casted on our youth.  I hope that something in the article will minister to your spirit.  There are resources in this posts if you think your teen needs help.  Blessings and be well on this beautiful Sunday. There are approximately 70% of teenagers that are suffering from depression.  Most teens have stress at school, work, and at home.  Some parents are unaware that their children are having problems.  Most teens that have depression are more likel

The God of Living Waters and Bread of Life

Sometimes I think silence is truly golden.  Words that have not been spoken can be louder than a mega speech.  So are the days that I have come to know God on a more intimate level.  Today was one of those days that I had a need to be in God's presence.  I had a great desire to be saturated in his Word. Early this morning as I was driving on the freeway , my daughter captured a beautiful picture of the river.  The sun was shining on the water.  Within it's calm state it made me think about the goodness of God, and the peace that he provides. There is so much going on in the world today.  Everything seems chaotic, and we can't turn a blind eye to things in the world.  This piece that I am writing is called The Still Living Waters of God Sometimes life can get loud, and it can get rough.  We get to a place that we start to hunger, and thirst, but we don't find anything to quench and satisfy those needs. Most of us have everything that money can buy, but we still h

Prayer Jesus The Deliverer (HaPalat)

So much is going on in our world.  We lift our hands, and say thank you Lord.  We offer you Thanksgiving and we offer you our Praise.  Father we come to lay down our heavy burdens.  We come to put aside our differences.  We come to plead the blood over the nations.  We come to talk with you Father about the issues of our world.  All the things that have come up.  Abba, we pray for restoration.  We pray for rejuvenation.  We pray for all people.  People are lovers of themselves rather than lovers of God.  We ask Lord that you break every chain.  Yes Lord we thank you Father in Jesus name. Amen Jesus The Deliverer (HaPalat) Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged.  The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns, and put it on his head.  They clothed him in a purple robe.  And went up to him again and again, saying "Hail King of the Jews!  And they slapped him in the face.  Once more Pilate came out and said, "Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know th

Power Prayer Tuesday

Today is power prayer Tuesday.  We should pray without ceasing. HOPE AND PRAY Dear child Why are you weeping? I want to dry your tears You do not have to cry I am here To be your comfort Have faith and believe Believe that I will help you My Father sent me So that you could live Your days in good health With longevity of life Come to me and find peace Have hope and pray God will answer you He cares for you love Have hope and pray Copyright  © Amanda Matthews All of my hope is in the Lord, and my faith is in Him.  I know that the Lord is not like man that he will lie.  I have an assurance in God's Word that he will do exactly what he says he will do.  God is the true living God and HE is so worthy of all my praise.

Sunday Crisis Help Domestic Violence

One of my goals in ministry is to raise awareness, and advocate about issues that are affecting our communities.  People don't always talk about social issues that affect the every day lives of innocent people. Each Sunday I will bring awareness to an issue, and challenge each of you my readers to share this posts.  We as a people need to uplift one another.  Our youth is spiraling in a world of uncertainty, but we can help if we unify and work together. This week I am ministering about domestic violence.  Please read, look, and let this minister to you.  Be blessed, and may God bless you. How many do you know have been victims of domestic violence?  It is quite sad that the numerical statistics keep going up?  I am troubled by the number of women that have died as a result of violence.  Yesterday I had a chance to sit down with a young woman who is living in a nightmare, and is a victim of domestic violence. *Jenna, lives in a small apartment with her two young sons,  Her

Weekly Reflections

When my kids were younger I had taken great pleasure in hearing them play outside.  Their innocent screams of laughter filled my ears, and the joy that they had exuded made me feel all excited inside.  Now that they are all teenagers and preteen, I long for those days when they were toddlers....time has a way of flying, and can cause you to reflect on yesterday. This is just one of those fill good pieces that make you happy inside.  Life is sometimes busy, and can cause you to worry, and be overly anxious.  So today I am reflecting on the week, and thanking God for a good ending.  Until next time enjoy this written word. I would like to take a moment to thank the Lord for such a beautiful week.  It has been an amazing journey.  This week was very productive, and I had a chance to get plenty of work done.  The kids and I had a chance to hang out, and watch television.  We had a long lesson on Ephesians 6:1-2, and a list of academic lessons.  They learned about the importance of pray

The Many Faces of Anxiety

"Dear God I feel so anxious".  My teenage daughter threw her hands up in dismay.  If only she could fathom the real problems that  life can bring.  I have been teaching my children strategies about how to handle life's problems.  Prayer is always my first line of defense.  I pray about everything, because I know that God is able.  Below is a piece that has been written to minister about prayer, and learning to lean on God's understanding.  I hope you will read, and be blessed.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity. I know that there are times in your life that you simply don't know what to do.  You constantly look for ways to ease the pain that you are feeling.  You forgot that today would have been your 15th anniversary, but you divorced several years ago.  Friends and family do not seem to understand why you have not remarried, or at least dated a little.  You want to get out and mingle, but you are terrified of loving someone again, in

By Faith

"Faith is the substance of all things hoped for, and the evidence of the things unseen.". Hebrews 11:1 If you are believing God for a breakthrough continue to have faith. Hope is believing in the things that have not yet manifested.  It is trusting God for those things that you have need.  It is having faith, and telling that mountain to move.  Hope is believing God for the unseen things, yet you know that the blessing  is coming.  You can see the vision, and you have written it down.  You have spoken the words, and the words are in your mouth, heart, and your spirit. You have declared it in Jesus's name that all things are possible through the Lord Jesus Christ.  You have prepared yourself for the blessing.  Well my friends the scripture says "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer."  By the supernatural power of God blessings are coming your way.  Keep your mind steadfast and stay focused on Jesus!  Trust, declare, confes