The Many Faces of Motherhood

Wow the summer is a half mark, and fall is fast approaching.  Tge days of being by the pool sude, and sipping lemonade are quickly dwindling.  Last week I got an interesting email from one of my mentors.  In the email there was a message of living without regret.  That has had me thinking of taking a new direction in my ministry.  Motherhood is the basis of my ministry.  I have a strong focus, and passion to reach single mothers.  As a mother of three teenagers, and one active preteen I have gained a vast amount of knowledge on parenting. 

As the week unfolds I will be featuring posts on motherhood, parenting, and topics pertaining to children.  I'm very excited about what God is doing in this season.  Below is an article that was written a few years ago.  I look forward to the newness of the week.  Enjoy and be blessed.

Greetings everyone I hope that God is blessing you with peace and prosperity.  you know I really love this time of year.  I love watching the seasons change.  The trees are displaying all kinds of colors.  This is the time of year where the kids, and I get a chance to decorate the yard with pumpkins, fall flowers, and other decor.  WE sit in the yard enjoying the cool breeze, and taking long walks in the park.  As we look at the month of October there is a newness of the month that is fast approaching. That means that a change of the seasons is near.  This is the first day of autumn, and the beginning of a new season.  i am writing this as my children are engaged in their work.  Our classroom is really quiet, and it is very easy to focus on my writing.  Through homeschooling we are learning more about each other.  I have four children, and they all have different learning styles,and it makes teaching them very interesting.  I have tried different techniques, and ways of teaching multiple subjects.  My styles of teaching has seemed to work for all four learning styles.

I can never write a post without mentioning a scripture.  In this case my scripture has everything to do with children, and biblical holiness.  I am not perfect, and I do not claim to know everything, but I do live my life based on what the Bible says.  2 Timothy 3:16-17 says "Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent equipped for every day work.  "

As a parent I love to be involved with my kids.  There are my rules of engagement.  We pray together as a family every morning.  We learn with and from each other.  We take our knowledge from the Bible, and I am teaching how they can apply this knowledge to their lives, and we have fun together.  Doing things with my children is one of the most important parts of my day.  

                                                This is my daughter Hannah

                                                Keara and my son Daniel

                            My oldest son Ray and my mom

The times that I spend with my family is priceless, and i would not trade these moments for anything in  this world.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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