Awareness Sunday. Teens and Depression

Today the 1st day of July, and it is Awareness Sunday on the website.  I am very compassionate about people especially teens and children. 

Today on awareness Sunday I am focusing on teens,and depression.  Our children face so much in third lives.  They are facing some major issues, and many of them are silently suffering.  I have seen parents that have no answer, and they watch helpless as their child struggle with sadness, anger, and suicide.

Today I am shining a light on the darkness of depression, and the dark cloud it can and has casted on our youth.  I hope that something in the article will minister to your spirit.  There are resources in this posts if you think your teen needs help.  Blessings and be well on this beautiful Sunday.

There are approximately 70% of teenagers that are suffering from depression.  Most teens have stress at school, work, and at home.  Some parents are unaware that their children are having problems.  Most teens that have depression are more likely to be depressed in adulthood.  Depression can affect every aspect of a child's life, and can cause problems with relationships and friendships.  Most important above all it can affect a child's self esteem.

Depression is a mental disorder that if left untreated can cause major issues for the individual.  Proper diagnosis is necessary to determine if your child is at risk.  Treating this disorder can greatly increase the chance that your child can make a full recovery.  In my opinion I believe that depression is a very serious disorder when it comes to young people.  They have to face so many things in our society, and feel that they have to live up to a certain standard.  Many of these children never get treated for depression, and they suffer in silence.  If left untreated depression can lead to suicidal thoughts and behaviors.  These children are at an increased risk of being bullied by their peers.  Some of them fail at school, and can not maintain healthy relationships.  It is painful to see a child go through problems, but there is hope.  Some teens have lost their lives, because no one had an idea that they were in pain.  The best way to prevent suicide is through prevention and awareness.

In my case I was one that received a blessing.  As a teenager I had to struggle with depression, and had no one to turn to.  I have always known that there was a living God, and I knew that he would not leave me, nor forsake me.  In the book of Isaiah 41:10 it says "So do not fear for I am with you;do not be dismayed for I am your God, I will strengthen you and help you;I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  God will never leave us alone, nor will he forget about the children that are suffering.  I know how it feels to be lost and have no where to turn. 

There is hope for teens!!!  I believe in my heart that everyone struggling with depression can be free.  At one point I thought there was no way out, but God has shown me the way.  With the proper love and support teens can get the help that they need.  Here are some signs and symptoms that your teen be in trouble.
  • Hopelessness
  • Social Isolation
  • Low self-esteem
  • Irritability, anger and hostility
  • Frequent complaints of physical symptoms l
  • Decreased interests in activities
If you suspect that a child is suffering with depression here are some websites that can help.



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