
Today I want to share a throwback post from a year ago.  It takes a deep look at seeking knowlegde for yourself.  Regardless of what you believe taking the time to study the Word is very important.  I will be taking the time to speak, or write more on this topic, but for now I hope you enjoy this post for this Monday.. Be blessed.

Today something heavy is laying on my spirit.  It seems as if it is almost troubling, and disturbing.  Normally there is a calm in me on a Sunday morning, but the atmosphere is deeply disturbed.  I had spent all of Saturday night perusing the internet, and reading material to catch up on world events.  I have watched several videos that had a message of end time prophecy, and realize that Christianity is heavily under attack.  
There seems to be millions of religions that claim to be the right religion, and then there are the people that are currently spreading there agenda of no religious association.  My thought is how can the people not become confused, and be deceived by what they are hearing?
Everybody knows that I am associated with Christianity, but know that I cannot force other people to believe.  I feel that a man/woman should study for themselves until the truth becomes relevant to them.  Nobody has brainwashed me into believing in Jesus in fact I have made a sound decision to follow Christ.  I do not feel I am wrong for being a Christian, nor am I ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Just like the Atheists are proud of their lack of belief in a deity, I should not be ashamed for what I believe.  But there is a much deeper meaning in this message.  As I was reading, and listening to the people speak it has started to open my eyes to some truth.  The world has become a pool of ignorance, and the people are perishing from a lack of knowledge, or they are being fed the wrong knowledge.
Many people are feeding on negativity, pessimism, and are being led to believe a lie.  The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15 " Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." (NIV)  
My people study the truth for yourself,and start to seek what You know is real to your heart and mind.  2 Timothy 3:13-14 says "while evildoers and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it."  (NIV)  
In light of all that is taking place in the world I believe many will be deceived for their lack of knowledge.  Society has given most of the people a safe haven of false comfort, and many are not really seeking the truth.  My brothers and sisters the hour is upon us where it is IMPERATIVE to seek out the truth.  One man's philosophy may be the very poison that can lead to the demise of a people.  Open your ear and eye gate, but protect it from what can lead to your death.  
I am  a Christian sister. because I have chosen to be.  I have a relationship with my God. (He is Abba to me)  I have been studying, and the TRUTH is relevant to my heart.  The question is what do YOU believe?  The saying goes if you stand for nothing you can fall for anything.  Romans 2:12 says "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."  SEEK knowledge today!


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