
Showing posts from 2021

Prayer for Thursday

 Dear Lord  Today God We need you to rain on us We need your Spirit  To rain down on us Oh Holy God of fire Help your people We stand in awe of you O God We are your sons We are your daughters We shall bow down to you O Lord  You are God And we honor you today Amen

Being Barren

 Yesterday I had started a series that has been talking about the barrenness of the womb.  In fact I shared a story about Sarah, and how she had dealt with infertility, and being a barren woman. Just to recap on what has been written.  To be barren means to be infertile. unfruitful, or desolate.  In this case we are talking about barrenness, or unable to have children.  The story of Sarah has really touched my heart, as I was one that was once barren, but God has sense opened my womb, and blessed me with four children. Today I would like to continue our topic, and touch on the story of Hannah. I was so inspired by the stories of this woman that my first daughter has the name of  Hannah.  If you remember the story of Hannah, you know that her story is very unique.  She was the wife of a man named Elkanah, and she had become the mother of Samuel.  In Samuel 1 where the story of Hannah begins, you can see why her story is so unique.  Just like Sarah, Hannah was a faithful, and devoted wif

A Prayer for Tuesday

 Dear God Today let my light shine For the world to see The God that is in me Let me be The hands and feet of Christ The voice of the silent I walk with you God Rain down Lord  Fall fresh on me today In Jesus name  Amen

The God Kind of Love

  There is nothing greater than a God kind of  love.  I am a true witness that God’s love is pure, and a kind that cannot be denied by the world.   I truly had a pleasure reading this chapter, because God’s love excites my Spirit.  God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.  What a beautiful expression of love. Just imagine if the world could grasp the concept of love the way God had intended.  If all of us could and would love the way God loves.  The world would be a better place. I keep hearing in my Spirit For God so loved the world.  That means God will love us through anything.  There is nothing that can keep us from the love of God.   It say in our reading that love endures forever.  It says that love is long suffering, and that love is patient.  Thank God He is love.  God’s first command was for us to love one another.  We are to keep the command that God has given us.  Love keeps no number of wrongs.  With a kind of love we should know how to forgive.  It says t

Communing With The Holy Spirit

  Speaking in tongues is a secret language, and a gift that has been given as a gift by God.  Often times I have thought that speaking in tongues as a personal intimate conversation between the Spirits.  It is our secret weapon that the enemy has no place of understanding what is being said.  It is a “powerhouse” language that serves us through speaking and prayer.   Most times we have no control of what the spirit will have us utter.  There have been times that I had to deeply pray, and speak in the Spirit of tongues.  Through deep meditation I have asked God to speak to my Spirit.  The end result has varied.  I have had times where the Spurit has deeply touched my heart, and there would be tears, words spoken in tongues, and there have been times where the Spirit of God has fallen upon me and tongues had been spoken involuntarily.   In my opinion I think that speaking, and praying in tongues are one in the same since both require the Spirit of God to intervene on our behalf.   I call

God The Father

 Sometimes I think silence is truly golden.  Words that have not been spoken can be louder than a mega speech.  So are the days that I have come to know God on a more intimate level.  Today was one of those days that I had a need to be in God's presence.  I had a great desire to be saturated in his Word. Early this morning as I was driving on the freeway , my daughter captured a beautiful picture of the river.  The sun was shining on the water.  Within it's calm state it made me think about the goodness of God, and the peace that he provides. There is so much going on in the world today.  Everything seems chaotic, and we can't turn a blind eye to things in the world.  This piece that I am writing is called The Still Living Waters of God Sometimes life can get loud, and it can get rough.  We get to a place that we start to hunger, and thirst, but we don't find anything to quench and satisfy those needs. Most of us have everything that money can buy, but we still have tha

Prayer for Thursday

Dear LORD Thank you for such a beautiful day LORD I know that I can complain But I would rather give thanks to you LORD I thank you for  my life I thank you for you for my children I thank you for my health and strength I tank you for what you have given unto me I thank you my Father For being in my corner You are the giver of life You are the Alpha And you are the Omega You are Omnipotent You are Omnipresent Many believe the way that they have been taught Many believe in the Universe But My LORD I believe in the one that has made the Universe You are in my heart There is no greater love Like the one that you have provided And I will you LORD For the rest of my days And for all eternity Thank you Jesus I thank you Amen Check out my latest podcast link above

Prayer for Wednesday

 Dear Lord  I am grateful and thankful for you I give honor to you  For you have kept me In the mist of all things I can lift my hands and say  That you are my rock  You are my healer On this day I ask for you To bless everybody  Everywhere  God we all need you Thank you Father For life For mercy and grace Amen 

Dealing With Rejection

  In our readings we are discussing how to heal from rejection, and how to rebuild after all the pain and destruction.  It mentions the story of Israel, and how they were in the wilderness.  It also speaks how the cankerworm, and the locusts ate everything in the land.   Just like in our lives things like sorrow, hurt, pain, and fear can eat up all our joy and happiness.  But, it says we can rebuild the broken walls of our life, and God will give back our years that we lost during our time of sadness.   I am hearing that God will do a new thing in our lives.  All the barrenness and desolation shall turn into fruitfulness and prosperity.  There shall be gladness instead of mourning, and there shall be a release of shackles to set free the captive.   Glory God will release us from the shame of rejection.  I can remember all of the times that people tried to humiliate me, and I had to live through it.  Our readings say that God will give and restore things even from the past.  What a grea


  Ah the good old spirit of intercession, and the ability to pray to the God of heaven.  As saints we are to pray fervently, frequently, and full of the Holy Spirit.   In the Spirit of prayer we may utter words from the spirit that the natural mind may not be able to comprehend.  There have been times that I was drunk with the Spirit that I had poured my very heart out to God.  The day that the Spirit moves with such intensity that is when we speak what is unknown to man, but is known to God.  In my own words that is a heavy communication between the spirits. Many prayers have been answered through the speaking of tongues and prayer.  I am a firm believer that God answers prayers.  We have our natural prayers, but there is something about the realm of the Spirit.  There are three baptisms that have been mentioned in our texts.  There is the baptism of repentance, water, and Holy Spirit.  It is explained how we can receive the gift of the Spirit.  I can distinctly remember when I first

Speaking Tongues In The Spirit

  The Holy Spirit is a gift that is available to all men.  This week we are looking at fifteen biblical reasons for receiving the Holy Spirit.   The first reason the readings declare that 120 disciples had different experiences dealing with the Holy Spirit.  They also had different experiences in speaking in tongues.  It says that we all have the gift to receive the Holy Spirit.  The gift of the Hoky Spirit is fit every believer.  John the Baptist predicted that Jesus would Baptize many followers.   Within the text it has been shown how the Holy Spirit giving gifts to many individual believers.  The spirit has been giving the gifts of truth, comfort, promise, and the gift of speaking in tongues.   Speaking in tongues is the gift of all believers, and is a divine tongue.  To speak and utter in a language of the Spirit is a true reward of the believer.  I call it a heavenly love language between me and thee, between the Father, and the believer.   Speaking is is also the divine power of

The Concept of God’s Love

There is nothing greater than a God kind of  love.  I am a true witness that God’s love is pure, and a kind that cannot be denied by the world.   I truly had a pleasure reading this chapter, because God’s love excites my Spirit.  God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.  What a beautiful expression of love. Just imagine if the world could grasp the concept of love the way God had intended.  If all of us could and would love the way God loves.  The world would be a better place. I keep hearing in my Spirit For God so loved the world.  That means God will love us through anything.  There is nothing that can keep us from the love of God.   It say in our reading that love endures forever.  It says that love is long suffering, and that love is patient.  Thank God He is love.  God’s first command was for us to love one another.  We are to keep the command that God has given us.  Love keeps no number of wrongs.  With a kind of love we should know how to forgive.  It says the

Walking in the Love of Forgiveness

  You have some that do not understand what it means to walk in love, yet we have both Christians, and non Christians who claim to love one another.   It says in the text that we have a whole lifetime to keep our bodies under subjection, in the breath we are to control our flesh.   Ok now I will collaborate on the thoughts of forgiveness.  I believe that it is important to forgive one another.  In dealing with unforgiveness it is said that it can hinder our prayers.  In other words it may seem that God does not reply to prayers where unforgiveness is, or have been involved. Man is not like God.  God forgives, and he forgets the sin.  With man some have held on the grudges, and performed a greater sin that had lacked love.  What if we had the real God kind of love that contained godly forgiveness?  If we truly had a grasp on this concept, there would be more people forgiving each other with a God kind of love, and a hear full of forgiveness.

Holy Spirit

  It says that God will send a comforters for it mentions the gift of speaking in Tongues in the books of Acts.   I have seen many people fall under the power of the Holy Spirit, and I seen the power that it has rendered.  To be touched by the Spirit we recognize that this force is one of great power.   We must see that the Holy Spirit is here to help us do ministry.  Without the assistance of the Holy Spirit would we be able to complete the mandate.  One in the same nature of Christ.  Our spirit takes on the same nature of Jesus.   As believers we have the help of the Holy Spirit to help us in battle.  We do not fight in the physical, but we war in the Spirit.  All demons can be casted out with the help of the Holy Spirit.   We are to fight with the weapons that have been provided unto us.  We have a Sword that is the Word of God.  In the reading it mentions that we have the language of tongues.  We have the blood of Jesus, and the gifts of the Spirit.   I have learned that the devil

Worry Not

Many people often worry about tomorrow.  They are anxious about every piece of news that they hear.  I’m am aware of everything that is going on around me.  I can see, heat, and feel what the present world is going through. Since the beginning of the pandemic many have lost their lives.  There are millions more who may become sick before all of this over.  But we as the people of God cannot loose hope.  I feel sorrow for the man that has lost his faith. I feel sorrow for the woman that has no hope.  I have compassion for all the children that will never hear the gospel. Lord be a beacon of light in the lives of your people.  Especially those who are being tossed to and fro.  May they be saved, and set free from the clutches of the enemy.  May they receive salvation, and the love of God.  Peace be unto you.  Until next time May God bless you with peace and prosperity.

Never Doubt

  Speak life to your dead situations How many times have you been sitting in your home, or a place of thought and you had a detrimental situation that you just could not control.  As for me I have been dead broke in the middle of winter with no one to give a helping hand. I have had my back up against the wall with no one to call, and I have lived in some places that would make an average person question the scene. When I think about speaking life, I mean carrying those good vibes with you in  daily basis. I mean having that good energy that will carry you throughout the day.  It is that faith that catapults your belief in the MOST high GOD, and knowing that he has everything under control and he has given us what we need to make things happen.  Proverbs 18:21 says “ The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.”  SO we know that everything we speak has a chance of manifestation. What are you saying to yourself?  What are you believing in you

Rejection No More

  Today we are looking at rejection, the different ways that we can, or have been rejected.  I have learned of many types of rejection there is, and how many times I have personally been rejected. I have seen many others go through rejection, and have managed to be set free, but what about the ones that deal with rejection, and they cannot find freedom from hurt, and pain that plague them.   To my understanding there is identifiable rejection that we must learn to decipher.  No rejection is good , but you can learn to handle rejection by its level of importance.  The reading mentions that if you are rejected from a school, position etc you can easily apply for another school or position, and it is usually easy to process.  On the other hand it is harder to process rejection based on a family issue, racism, an abusive past, or something like dealing with rape , or incest.   It is true that the deeper the rejection the harder it is to heal there is  hope for you.  The readings tell us fi

Friday Prayer

 Dear Lord This morning we need a blessing  We need a Word We need an understanding  We need hope That all things work  For those of us that believe in you We have faith Faith  That all things are working  According to your plans Yes God Your mercy and your grace Shall be with us today Yes God You shall supply all of our needs  In the name of Jesus  All things Shall be well with us Thank God I’m Jesus name Amen

Wednesday Prayer

 Father God Thank you Lord I give thanks because you love me I give thanks because you provide for me I give thanks because you woke me up With a new song of praise Help me God to make the best of my day Help me to understand your plans Help me to do my best Today Thank you Lord For provision  Health Wealth  Stability  I could not do it without you Father In Jesus name Amen

A Mother’s Depression let’s Talk

  This is a story of a mother of four who suffered from extreme depression.  It’s almost like she lived in a glass house in the middle of a thunderstorm.  She had taken a vow of silence in her life to keep everything together.  In layman’s terms she had to lie like everything was okay when it was really falling apart.  Getting out of bed was a challenge.  She just lay in bed for hours daydreaming, and night dreaming about the perfect life.  She had dreams of the perfect husband, house, and life.  In reality things were rather empty, and the opposite of what she felt in her heart.  There was no supportive husband, or family.  She was there alone.  She said “I write from a lonely place .”  I journal to ease my pain.  I express my feelings from a dying soul, an empty spirit, and a vessel with very little in it.  Deep in her heart she knows that no one understands her pain.  That silent cry that she wishes everybody can here.  She bares her soul to that one person who may have a clue but

Random Thoughts

There are quite a few things that I have never understood in this life.  Like a man that had a craving for the attention of many women when he had a beautiful woman that adored him.  I never quite understood a woman who had the most handsome King, yet she still had a need for bad men.  Why are millionaires still greedy when they have everything that money could buy?  You can’t pay most of the world to be kind, because they hate and discriminate for free?  The whole world is full of empty, and hateful people.  This cannot be true in some cases, but who really has a heart to love?  Most of the world now have no belief in God, the Bible, or Jesus, yet they believe more in the Universe, idols, crystals, or nature.  I am not infringing on the rights of others, and as a human you have the right to believe as you please, but know that there will be a day that all we believe in as individuals will be put to the test.  I was driving downtown, and saw a group of homeless people.  They were all r

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

  It says that God will send a comforters for it mentions the gift of speaking in Tongues in the books of Acts.   I have seen many people fall under the power of the Holy Spirit, and I seen the power that it has rendered.  To be touched by the Spirit we recognize that this force is one of great power.   We must see that the Holy Spirit is here to help us do ministry.  Without the assistance of the Holy Spirit would we be able to complete the mandate.  One in the same nature of Christ.  Our spirit takes on the same nature of Jesus.   As believers we have the help of the Holy Spirit to help us in battle.  We do not fight in the physical, but we war in the Spirit.  All demons can be casted out with the help of the Holy Spirit.   We are to fight with the weapons that have been provided unto us.  We have a Sword that is the Word of God.  In the reading it mentions that we have the language of tongues.  We have the blood of Jesus, and the gifts of the Spirit.   I have learned that the devil

Dealing With Rejection

Today we are looking at rejection, the different ways that we can, or have been rejected.  I have learned of many types of rejection there is, and how many times I have personally been rejected. I have seen many others go through rejection, and have managed to be set free, but what about the ones that deal with rejection, and they cannot find freedom from hurt, and pain that plague them.   To my understanding there is identifiable rejection that we must learn to decipher.  No rejection is good , but you can learn to handle rejection by its level of importance.  The reading mentions that if you are rejected from a school, position etc you can easily apply for another school or position, and it is usually easy to process.  On the other hand it is harder to process rejection based on a family issue, racism, an abusive past, or something like dealing with rape , or incest.   It is true that the deeper the rejection the harder it is to heal there is  hope for you.  The readings tell us five

Love Worth Finding

  God, is the epitome of love.  All our lives are centered around the creator.  I believe that God has done everything out of love.  He created the world in love.  He gave his only begotten son in love.  His love is free, and there are no barriers that can keep us from him.  There are so many scriptures that tell us how we can find the love of God. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 Do everything in love. 1 Corinthians 16:14 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my lifePsalm 143:8 There is love worth finding.  Gof has spoken the language of Love throughout the Bible.  We are made from that love? and we can show others how to find love.  In the context finding love means finding God.  People that are unloved find

Prayer for Friday

 Lord God I need you to be an anchor in my life today Look over my family  My friends My children And yes Lord bless my enemies You are God On whom I can depend  No matter what comes my way I will depend on you You are the Lord my God On whom I can depend  Lord God you have been my safety net Let this be another day that the Lord has made It is well with me In Jesus name Amen May the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity 

Understanding The Need For A God Kind of Love

  We need to see that the world is in need of love.  People need to see examples and displays of love.  They need to hear and feel what love is.  We live in a world today where love is not displayed.  There is division, and there is separation, yet no real displays of love.  Love covers a multitude of sins.  Love will look past ones faults, and love will endure all things.   We need to learn to love God’s way.  Even though his ways are not our ways, and his thoughts are not our thoughts we need to think in his likeness and Spirit.  Our daily walk should be a love walk.  We must understand that our journey with God is one of love.  He is the essence and the epitome of love.  We were made from love.  He created us in love, and his command was for us to love one another. We are Gods handiwork, and we are his craftsmanship.  Understanding the essence of love will help you to understand God as he is in love. I understand that God is what love is.  His true identity is manifested from his lo

When Love Goes Wrong

  What happens when Love Goes Wrong We have all seen the results of love when it goes wrong.  In this hour we all stand as witnesses when the love of God is missing in our world.  In the mist of leadership you can seen, and bear witness to the lack of a God kind of love.  Division in the people, in which the Bible states there shall be no division among us, yet the world is a witness of how a lack of love has been generated.  Our division can be seen in Black and White, or a separation of. Plot.  It can seen politically, or in a separation of political beliefs.  You can even see the division in socioeconomic status.  The rich does not mingle with the poor. It was Jesus who became poor for our sake, so that we may be rich.  It says the Sin of man, and the Son of God had no place to lay his head, yet he sacrificed himself so that We may be made whole and free, yet our people from every corner is self loathing in hate, division, and mockery.  How can God be pleased with us as a people?  W

Patience And A God Kind of Love Part One

  One thing that I am learning as a believer is to have patience.   The god kind of love requires us to have patience.  In all my life I am a witness that we have to have the love of God in order to reach people.  The Bible says love is patient, and it is kind.  You can find this scripture in Corinthians 13:4.   In learning about a God kind of love IO can see why it is God’s first command.  Most of the world have very little patience with each other.  The lack of love and interaction can be seen globally.  Even during the holidays there is a lack of love that can be seen through out the globe.  In the Bible it says “Love thy neighbor as thyself”. Do we really honor that commandment?   When you think of love it should be kind.  When was the last time you patiently waited for God to answer your prayer?  Have you ever wanted something so bad, you had to pray day and night?   We must wait patiently on God to hear our prayers.  In the Bible it says to Rejoice in hope and patient in tribulat

Why We Should Have A God Kind Of Love

  In life it is so important to learn to love.  There have been so many reasons given to us in the Bible concerning love, and how it can affect us in our everyday lives.  As believers we have some of the greatest examples that have been given to us to remember and cherish.  Look at the best, and the greatest example of all examples that has been given unto us.  That is the love of Jesus Christ.  He gave his life for our sins.  I will put it this way he made a sacrifice for everybody.  He did not leave out any individuals.  Unlike man he did not discriminate.  He did not say I cannot save you, because you are too white,black, short,fat, or skinny.  The list could go on and on, but I think you get the concept.  Because of love Jesus Christ made himself a living sacrifice, and an example of love.  He had love for the Father, because ha had learned disobedience.  I am almost certain that Jesus would have objected his assignment without love and obedience.   Think about it for a minute.  Wh

Yes What Are You Waiting For

 It hurts me to see so many people walking around without love.  You can literally go on the streets and see the lack of love.  You walk past people, and no one will speak or wave.  It is like a movie in reality type situation.  People are quick to lash out especially if you mention God. Many or blaming others for the problems that are going on in the world.  I am making it a habit, and I say God help me take my eyes off of the problem, and let me be a part of the solution.  People are so cold and callous in their hearts.  They really don’t know how to love.  Even in society as people we have been taught that all things must fit in a box to make sense.  Well, I am definitely different, and not part of the norm.  I can’t be placed in a box.   God is doing a new thing in my life.  It just doesn’t sit well with me to try and fit in a circle.  Hod has and will use all types of people for his purpose.  I dare to be different, and accept I am not for everybody.  One thing I do know is I am r