
 Ah the good old spirit of intercession, and the ability to pray to the God of heaven.  As saints we are to pray fervently, frequently, and full of the Holy Spirit.  

In the Spirit of prayer we may utter words from the spirit that the natural mind may not be able to comprehend.  There have been times that I was drunk with the Spirit that I had poured my very heart out to God.  The day that the Spirit moves with such intensity that is when we speak what is unknown to man, but is known to God.  In my own words that is a heavy communication between the spirits.

Many prayers have been answered through the speaking of tongues and prayer.  I am a firm believer that God answers prayers.  We have our natural prayers, but there is something about the realm of the Spirit. 

There are three baptisms that have been mentioned in our texts.  There is the baptism of repentance, water, and Holy Spirit.  It is explained how we can receive the gift of the Spirit.  I can distinctly remember when I first received the gift of the Spirit.  I was newly baptized, and had heard a sermon on getting the Holy Ghost.  

With all my understanding I heard Creflo Dollar speaking in tongues, and I had followed his teaching on how to receive the Holy Spirit.  

After that teaching I was never the same.  Right there in my home I was drenched by the fire of the Holy Spirit, and I was so amazed by the new gift that I had been blessed with.   Everyone can receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, but the text says that not everyone will receive the gift.  I know that may sound contradictory, but I have always assumed that all that have been baptized will receive the Holy Spirit.  

Among the reasons in the week’s lesson of speaking in tongues the most important reasons is everyone can receive the salvation of Jesus Christ.


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