Why We Should Have A God Kind Of Love

 In life it is so important to learn to love.  There have been so many reasons given to us in the Bible concerning love, and how it can affect us in our everyday lives.  As believers we have some of the greatest examples that have been given to us to remember and cherish.  Look at the best, and the greatest example of all examples that has been given unto us.  That is the love of Jesus Christ.  He gave his life for our sins.  I will put it this way he made a sacrifice for everybody.  He did not leave out any individuals.  Unlike man he did not discriminate.  He did not say I cannot save you, because you are too white,black, short,fat, or skinny.  The list could go on and on, but I think you get the concept.  Because of love Jesus Christ made himself a living sacrifice, and an example of love.  He had love for the Father, because ha had learned disobedience.  I am almost certain that Jesus would have objected his assignment without love and obedience.  

Think about it for a minute.  Why should a man lay down his life for a people that lied, cheated, spit on him,made a mockery of his identity, and denied him human rights.  They had treated Jesus like a dog.  Therefore without loyalty, love, and obedience to the Father Jesus would have struggled in human form.  Are we greater than Jesus? Or the question should be do we sacrificially try to love like Jesus did? How many times have you been wronged, judged, hated on,or discriminated against?  I know you have heard the famous quote turn the other cheek?  How many times have you literally had to turn the other cheek?  

I know some people who have refused to turn the cheek, and they had relayed evil for evil.  In the  in the Bible it says “Do not repay evil for evil” (1Peter 3:9) Oftentimes we have been led to counteract to wrongdoings, and it has cost us Spiritually.  Yes, there have been times that I wanted to respond when things happen , but deep down inside I have always known that God says vengeance is his.  The Bible says 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Romans 2:19

Another reason why we should love is not to be caught up in bitterness.  Sometimes we as people will not forgive, and we often find ourselves deeper in sin.  We end us with hate in our hearts.  Which can open up doors of jealousy, hatred, malice, and anger.  Sometimes we can lead ourselves down a destructive path.  Some unexplained anger and unforgiveness have led to depression, substance abuse, murder, and suicide.   The Bible says “26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: (Ephesians 4:26). We should not go to sleep with any issues, because the next day may not be promised.

We should have love in our hearts, because God has commanded us to do so.  His first command is for us to love one another. It also tells us to love our neighbors.  The word love I has been mentioned 300 to 500 times depending on the version you read.  That is a lot of love.  

There are so many reasons why we should love.  Let us have a quick recap of why we should learn to love. First, God has made it a command. Second, it makes our hearts susceptible to forgive more easily.  Thirdly, we are capable of overcoming anger that may lead to deeper sin, or other consequences.  I hope you look forward to more about the God kind of Love here on the blog. Until next time May God bless you with peace and prosperity.

Evangelist Amanda Matthews


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