
Showing posts from May, 2019

When You Know That Change Must Happen

I do not know about you,but I am thankful for knowing God tonight. As I look back over my life I am so grateful for all that he has done for me.  At this very moment there are thousands of people that are suffering in silence.  There have been times that I have felt the pain of individuals, and I had to reach out to them.  The pain was so strong that it has made me cry for the individual that was hurting.  As a woman of God I have never like to see someone in pain.  It is a fact that we will go through, but sometimes that pain can be too much for some people to handle. I thank God  and have respect for every man and woman that are in their Carling, but experience has been the best teacher in my life.  From an early age I have suffered from emotional trauma, abandonment, depression, suicidal ideation, self hatred, and unforgiveness of self.  I had recorded a podcast recently dealing with  all of these issues, but the LORD is still dealing with me in that area, I do these post, becau

A Prayer Just Because I Love the LORD

Dear LORD I come to you as humbly as I know how Not asking for anything I just come to offer you LORD my prayer of thanksgiving I come to you to pray about the things of this world I pray LORD for all my brothers and sisters I pray for their safety Their well being And their peace of mind My LORD shield us from harm and danger Make our enemies our footstool Let every man and woman have their portion LORD If one may need peace Then LORD give them peace If there are some that need love Then LORD let their portion be love If they need joy Then Father bless them with love We need a revival LORD And we need a refreshing WE need a revival at every corner of the earth We bless your holy name LORD We glorify you LORD WE praise your holy name LORD May the light if your Spirit shine on us today And every day that we are here I love you LORD And I exalt you LORD forever more In Jesus Christ name I pray AMEN

Prayer for Wednesday

Dear LORD Today I just want to thank you LORD Thank you for waking me up this morning I thank you God that I am still here Despite of all the this that have taken place You have considered me today God I pray That every man woman and child Will be blessed They will be protected and loved by you today God there are people right now LORD That are having trouble They are having hell in their lives LORD I lift them  up in the name of JESUS I am asking God that you will give them strength Thank you LORD for your grace and mercy I pray LORD that you will bless everyone LORD No one person is greater than the other LORD you are the Creator and you made all things LORD I love you I worship you Father In Jesus Name I pray Amen and thank God Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word

Monday's Prayer

Lord I thank you today for my life I am grateful to see the sun I could be any place right now But I am safe I am well I am alive I could complain today But I have made the choice To be happy I could be depressed I could be in all sorts of hell But instead I am here In my home With a praise on my lips GOD I thank you on this Monday For giving me My health My strength My voice My God you are worthy Thank you Father Even though someone May be reading this with tear stained eyes You are able LORD I thank you FATHER In Jesus name we pray Amen

(GRCAM Facebook Live Event Hood Liberator Made In Chicago Pt 2)


(GRCAM Facebook Live Event - Hood Liberator Made In Chicago)


My Weekend Prayer

Dear LORD It is another day that you have made And we will rejoice and be glad in it We thank you for all your love and we Come into your rest this weekend You have brought us through the work week And have given us the Sabbath to rest To worship And to rejuvenate I worship you on this day Coming to you in humility and in truth I give you this day I give you all the honor and praise There are no words that can express my gratitude For all that you have done for me You have lifted me out of some of the darkest pits You have taken me from some of the most dangerous situations And you were walking with me in some of the most darkest and coldest valleys I reflect today On all the the things that you have done You are so worthy You are so faithful I will not fear because You are with me Where I am You are there as well With knowing that I can rest assured Knowing that you are with me In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Writte

A Prayer For Courage

Dear LORD Today I  pray That you will give someone courage The courage to step out on faith The courage to do the right thing The courage to do something out of the ordinary The courage to face that giant in their lives The courage to say that I am going to fight The courage o accept things that they cannot change The courage to rise up and be a voice To someone that may not be able to speak I thank the LORD for His strength There are some people that need courage They need the strength to stand They need the strength to make a move They need the strength to overcome I pray LORD That you will give them courage today In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist is a Minister of the Written Word "For God gave us not a spirit of fearfulness; but of power and love and discipline." 2Timothy 1:7

Yes LORD my prayer

Dear LORD give a portion of peace to those who may need i Give to those a portion of healing You have some that may be suffering from a broken heart There are some that may need some confidence LORD WE know that you are different things to different people You meet their needs According to riches and glory You have a portion of mercy on those that need it Thank you Father That you provide for us I thank you JESUS For being a portion Or everything to us When we need you to be I worship you In mercy and in truth In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word

VIRTUOSITY MINISTRIES: Activism At A Glance featured activist Emmanuel Ba...

VIRTUOSITY MINISTRIES: Activism At A Glance featured activist Emmanuel Ba... : It has always been my passion to write about activism, and to see people going through the process of trying to make a change.  Since I w...

Activism At A Glance featured activist Emmanuel Barbee

It has always been my passion to write about activism, and to see people going through the process of trying to make a change.  Since I was a teenager I have had a deep respect for leaders like Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King Jr. There are over 340 leaders that has made a difference in the Black community, and the numbers are steadily rising.   I truly believe that it takes more than one person to strengthen communities that has been torn down by poverty, racism, and dysfunction that has been brought on by society.  As a current activist I know that it takes dedication, commitment, but most of all it takes a vision and compassion to lead a movement of change. There has to be a deep love for people, and you have to have a heart in order to bring about a change in the world. I have always had admiration for the men and women who are taking the time to care for other people, and the way that they are living. It takes a strong man, or woman to look at the inte

The Fight of Faith


Standing On the Promises There Of Prayer

Dear LORD Today We stand on your promises We stand Knowing you are able We stand knowing We can trust your Word We stand knowing that Through faith all things are possible We come boldly before the throne We come humbly before the throne We come with praise We come with thanksgiving Father we come to you Believing in your ability Believing that through Jesus We can conquer all things We can do all things This week we can rest Knowing that you are GOD I TRUST YOU LORD Given unto this day GOD you have granted us The opportunity To be alive and well In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of The Written Word


She is clothed with beauty She has her own standard of beauty She has a unique way of standing out She works hard to provide for her family Sometimes she works with what she has been given To some life has not always been kind But she thanks God for what she has been given She loves with the love of GOD Sometimes she cries tears Whether tears of joy Whether tears of pain She will still wear her smile Some have made miracles with their hands Just to see their children smile They have walked in the hot sun They have danced in the rain They have withstood hardships To bring smiles She is far above rubies She is priceless She is a mother of the earth She has the ability to carry life She is a daughter of GOD She is a wife She is a sister She is a nurturer She is a business owner She is a teacher She is a nurse She is a protector But most important above all she is a mother This is for the mothers of the earth Not just today But everyday I salute you Ev

A Prayer For Those Struggling With Anger

Dear LORD This morning My prayer is for those people That are struggling with anger In this life GOD I know that we will be tempted to get angry Life can be so stressful We live in a world where hate continues to rise We have people that are hurting They are harming themselves They are harming others GOD we need a refreshing We need you to blow a wind of peace Over the earth We need you to heal our land LORD So many people are dying due to violence I do not know what people are going through But God we need you FATHER I love you on this Friday LORD I pray for peace I pray for my brothers and sisters All over the world Shalom FATHER In JESUS name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word

Prayer for Thursday

Dear LORD I lay everything down at your feet You know all my failures You know all my victories We come into this day unknown But I come expecting Greatness Love Peace Joy I come as humble as I know how Being given to prayer and supplication Yes Lord Im worshipping at your feet LORD Thank you JESUS Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word

Prayer For Special Needs Moms


A Prayer for Mothers WIth Special Needs Children

Dear LORD Today my prayer is for The mothers that are dealing with special needs children The ones LORD that just need to hear a WORD The ones that are feeling tired They have reached The end of their rope They feel like all hope is gone They are struggling And they can't seem to make it I feel LORD that these women are unique They have so many things that they have to handle GOD today give them strength Give them a WORD dear LORD Have your way In their lives today Thank you GOD For your mercy and grace You are the LORD I pray in the name of Jesus Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of The Written WORD This prayer is extra special because I am the Mother of two special needs sons 

A Prayer On This Tuesday

LORD  This is for that individual That is ready to give up This is for the woman That has no where to go In fact GOD she has thought about taking her own life FATHER I see people like this every day of my life Some people are too weak to smile GOD you know their pain  You have seen them in tears  Late at night  When no one is looking You have seen them In their daily struggles You know each one by their names GOD And you know what it will take  For them to pull through TODAY Is the day for them  To bounce back To be delivered To be set free And to be made whole WE are in awe of you LORD I come to you  Not asking for anything But thanking you in advance For what you are getting ready to do  Praise you FATHER You are the LORD In Jesus name I pray  Amen and thank GOD Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word Please share this prayer so that others will get a chance to read and be blessed.  Until nex

A Prayer for Monday

Dear LORD  Today I can complain But I have chosen to praise I have seen so many homeless people I have seen so many people  That seem to have less But they are wishing for more I say this prayer in humility and in truth  Dear LORD I come to you as humble as I know how I come to you on bended knees Not asking for anything Dear LORD  You have given me All that I am in need of and more My children are blessed There is food on the table We have a home to stay in  God I give you thanks  For all that you have given to me I love you LORD I worship you LORD I am in awe of you LORD YOU are GOD and I thank you for this day That you have made In JESUS name I pray AMEN Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word

My Prayer for Sunday

Dear LORD This prayer is for the mothers of the earth She has given birth to many children She is a woman That has endured many pains And she has conquered Many trials and tribulations She has worked many angels in her life And she has taken many bumps and bruises To get to her place in life It has been a struggle for many But we have stood the tests of time Many of us has worked with what we have been given in life We have not given up Nor have we given in Many of us nurture our children We take care of our husbands Our homes We are growing businesses And we are servants and daughters to God I pray GOD That every mother IS safe and protected Under the sound of your voice I love you sister I love you mother I pray that as women We can grow to love one another Let there be a bridge of peace between us Thank you Father For my sisters In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word

A Prayer of Hope

Lord This morning There are many that are hurting WE cannot forget That we live in a world That has everything going on We have people that are dying We have people that are addicted We have children dying from suicide We have parents that Are struggling to feed their families A lot of people LORD Are doing what they can to make it There are people that are crying and grieving My prayer LORD is that you O LORD Will give strength To those that are weak Father GOD I pray in the name of JESUS That you will give them strength We are in awe of you GOD We worship you In humility and in truth Today is day that the LORD has made And we WILL rejoice and be glad in it IN Jesus name I pray Amen and praise GOD Evangelist Amanda is a minister of the written word