
Showing posts from March, 2019

Prayer for Sunday

Thank you Lord Jesus Today I am so grateful I pray that this week Will be blessed And full of love joy and happiness I humble myself in your presence And I pray that you will Look down upon your people May this prayer Bring hope to those that are Down casted In their Spirits May this prayer be a blessing  To those that need hope May this prayer strengthen the week May this prayer speak  For those with no voice We command our week Lord We have an expectancy of hope in you Father Blessed be the name of the Lord Thank you Father For all that you have done In Jesus name I pray Amen

Prayer of Life

Dear Lord Today I pray  In the Holy Name of Jesus That you will bless your people Bless those that are dedicating their lives To help those in need Look down on the people In the jails In the hospitals In the streets GOD reach out To the leaders of this world And give them the strength Wisdom and insight To help Motivate And encourage the people of God Thank you for another day Another opportunity To share in this gift called life In Jesus name I pray Amen

Prayer for Friday

Dear Lord Today I want to thank you Thank you for waking me up On this beautiful day Many did not make it today But you considered me Lord You have brought me a mighty long way Lord Thank you Father For all your love In Jesus precious name I pray Amen

Thursday Prayer

Dear Lord Today I want to thank you Thank you for the strength The strength to perform my daily task I am grateful for a new day I am well I am healthy I am ready to make this a great day Give me the strength to accept things I cannot change But help me to do all things that is required of me I thank you Lord for New life New opportunities And a new day In Jesus name I pray  Amen

Great Jehovah God

Dear Lord You are The Great Jehovah God With you whom shall I fear? With you Why should I worry You are the Lord  My GOD There is none like you I have an assurance That you will be my provider My shelter in a time of storm My healer My Lord in times of trouble I will praise YOU At all time The great Jehovah Shalom My God I pray unto you On this day Lord In Jesus name I pray  Amen "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." Psalms 83:18

Tuesday Prayer

Lord  Thank you For allowing me to enjoy every moment When I first opened my eyes I knew it was going to be a great day You have given me The chance to see the rising of the sun I bless your name LORD You O giver of life I offer you this praise today You are the LORD Thank you for this Tuesday In Jesus name Amen

Simple Prayer

Dear Lord Thank you for waking me up this morning You have kept me from dangers seen and unseen I have the activities of my limbs I can see I can walk I can talk My voice is stronger than ever Praise God for his mercy His grace His favor His love and mercy endures forever In Jesus Christ's precious name We thank you for this day Amen

Saturday Prayer

As I watched my children rest tonight I know that God was watching over them I thought about the many many people That have no place to call home I don't take for granted That God has given me a home I will not complain today Lord For I am richly blessed While there are some who struggle GOD you shall supply All of our needs I am blessed coming in I am blessed going out I am blessed in the city And I am blessed in the valley Praise shall always be in my mouth You are the Lord My God You keep us in perfect peace On this day I will bless your Holy name In Jesus Christ Precious name Amen Be still and know that He is God.

Prayer In the Newness of Spring

Dear Lord Thank you for the newness of the season I can see everything turning green I can that everything is new I thank you Lord That I am still alive  To enjoy the wonders of this world The wonders of this life I know that I can complain Lord But you have blessed me Blessed with the peace of this life You have granted me peace To enjoy the simplicity of this life To enjoy the greatness of this world You have created things Things both great and small I thank you Lord For the beauty  That you have given to me Thank you Father  In Jesus name  I pray Amen The newness of the season.  Bless the Creator!

Prayer and Thanksiving for God's Grace

Dear Lord I come to as humble as I know how I come to you in the ways of prayer Father I come with a pure heart I come with an understanding that prayer is a Holy love language I come to you Father with my hands outstrectched And my voice uo to heaven I come to you with a hope  That you will recieve this prayer Heavenly Father  I am asking that you will give  According to the needs of each individual Bless them according to the needs of their prayers Grace be unto every man, woman,and child I pray diligently Lord I pray for mercy and grace Unto all your people Lord Thank you God for the rain Thank you God for the love Saturate us O God Let your mercy and grace abound God you are mighty You are wonderful Abba We love you dear Lord Thank you Jesus

Prayer for Teens and Children Who Are Away From Home

I cannot imagine what life would be like if I were a young girl that had ran away from home.  How would I feel if I were lost, vulnerable, and had no where to go?  Would I be scared?  Would I hate my parents for not taking better care of me?  So many things come to mind as I sit and write about this. I know a young lady that is currently homeless, and my heart aches for her.  I have two girls, and cannot imagine them being out in the street with no where to go.  Each day that I have with my kids is a treasure, and not a moment is taken for granted.  Each day I practice godly character, and see how I can be a blessing to someone else. Today's prayer is for the teens, and children that have ran away from home.  Those that are in the streets with no way to go, and they are a long way from home.  Somebody's parents are worried sick tonight, and they are missing their child/children.  I hope that this prayer will minister to you today as I pray and minister for and about lost an

Praying Fervently on This Day

Lord Thank you for this day I know that I can complain But I will spend my time being grateful I can think of so many things that went wrong But I would rather bless your name Like an eagle I will soar high above all that is mentioned Your hand will be evident And my life will be a living testimony For all to see I will take nothing for granted And I am forever grateful for All your mercy and favor Praise you Father For you are worthy The  Lord  detests the sacrifice  of the wicked,      but the prayer of the upright pleases him.

Prayer In Time of Help

Dear Lord When it seems like the world is on my shoulders I can count on youI know sometimes Lord It seems like the storm is never ending  I know that you are there  To see me through my time of need Life everyday can be hard There are trials and tribulations There are storms  There are droughts The canker worm has come to eat everything You are always an on time God Even when we are fully prepared  We know that there will be valley days But with a loving and gracious God That is full of mercy and grace We can be certain that we will make it Thank you Lord for all that you have done You are worthy of all my praise Lord Thank you for this blessed day  I look to you for strength O merciful and gracious God "I lift my eyes toward the mountains from where will my help come?  My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth."  Psalms 121:1-2 

My Weekending Prayer

Dear Lord I want to thank you  For bringing me through the week I want to give you th praise As I reflect on my week Everyone is my home is happy Healthy Well and Kept I thank you Lord tha we all have life on today We have food on the table A roof over our heads A vehicle to get around in A place to call home We have our health and strength We have yor for our Father Thank you Lord for joy Thank you for peace Thank you for this Saturday Sabbath In Jesus Name we pray Amen

All Things Are New Prayer

Thank you God that all things are new Thank you Lord that old things have passed away Thank you God that I am a new creation And Christ lives on the inside of me There are new beginnings that I can see I am trusting you Lord For your Word The world of newness Is surrounding me On this Friday Thank the Lord For he is good.

Unrequited Love

Today I want to minister about unrequitted love.  Unrequitted love is love that is one sided, and is not returned, or not rewarded.  It is more a relationship that a person is having by him/herself.  Sometimes we try to love people, or things that we desire, but in return this person, or thing does not love us in return.  To delve a little deeper imagine being in a relationship, and you are putting forth 100 percent, and the other individual has no intention of returning the effort, or the love that you have been giving.  When you think of such a relationship it can be quite painful, and may even cause you some heart break. Whether you have been there,  or you know someone that has been there today this message is for you. I remember one time before I had known more wisdom.. I had a brief case of unrequitted love.  I was doing what I thought a woman should do in a relationship, and I had found myself doing more than I had needed to do.  For some time I had put forth so much effort th

Prayer for Diligently Seeking The Lord

Dear Lord I come to you in fervent prayer Praying for the one that  may need you this morning The one that may not be able to speak for themselves Those that may be weak And cannot find there way Someone right now  Lord May need some direction in their life There may be one that needs you to be a Father Lord there may be a man that needs to repent from their sins God someone may need a miracle right now I pray in the name of Jesus Christ That all will be well today For those those that  diligently seek the face of the Lord Thank you Father It is done  In the name of Jesus Christ Amen

Prayer for My Fellowman/Woman Wellness

Dear Lord Today there are so many hurting people There are in extreme pain And they are dying in their issues Lord So many people are overwhelmed by life They are over whelmed by life's problems Even our children Lord  Are finding it hard to cope with life They are dying prematurely They are committing suicide They are killing each other Lord they are suffering I cry out into you Lord  To help stop some of the pain Some of the struggle Give your people direction Give them hope Give them a miracle O LORD Heal the land Lord I cry unto you Lord  In prayer In fervent prayer Lord The people need you Praise the Lord Father on high We need a word Lord  You are God Jesus Hallelujah Amen and  Thank God "LORD, be gracious to us; we long for you. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of distress."   Isaiah 33:2

My Prayer of Thanksgiving

Lord  I thank you for waking me up in the light of your love Thank you Father for this new beginning Lord you didn't have to do it But you did it anyway You have brought me a mighty long way You have kept me safe from dangers Both seen and unseen You have been so good Abba father I owe you All of my praise You have been a rock of salvation You have been lawyer in a court room A doctor in the hospital A shelter in the time of storm you have been more than I need Lord I give you thanksgiving in this Tuesday I will bless the name of the Lord "All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God."  2 Corinthians 4:15 

Prayer Monday

Lord There is someone right now That is going through a trial They are in a season of lack And they feel like there is no end to their struggle They need a right now blessings Lord They need a suddenly miracle They need devine favor Lord They need the Holy Spirit to intervene Some days God  We need an instantaneous answer We need you right Lord Someone needs this While others need that Praise the Lord for his goodness On this day We trust you Lord We worship you Lord In Jesus name we pray Amen

Prayer For Happiness and Contentment

Dear Lord Today I pray for contentment and joy I pray for your plans for my life Even though I am striving daily I still need you in my life Lord fill me with your joy In you I have hope You alone Do I give praise In these times of today I need your renewed strength I shall be happy I shall be content In you I will be at peace today  Amen "Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me." Phillipians 4:11-13 May the Lord bless you to content as we go through day to day changes.  Change is constant, and we do not know what the next day will bring.  May there be peace in your life on today.  Until next time may God bless you with pe

A Prayer For Protection

Dear Lord Today I am for your protection Protection from those things that may threaten my peace Protection from the dangers seen and unseen  Protection from the ways of the enemy Protection from the adversaries Protection for my children Protection for my family and friends Protection from thoughts that may threaten my peace But most important above all GOD Keep me in perfect peace today In Jesus precious name Amen God will not let your foot slip, and he will take care of you.  Trust in Him and you shall be in perfect peace. "My help comes from the Lord ,      the Maker of heaven  and earth. 3  He will not let your foot slip—      he who watches over you will not slumber; 4  indeed, he who watches  over Israel      will neither slumber nor sleep. 5  The  Lord  watches over  you—      the  Lord  is your shade at your right hand;" Psalms 121:2-5

For Everything There is a Season

There is a time  for everything,      and a season for every  activity  under the heavens: 2       a time to be born and a time to die,      a time to plant and a time to uproot, 3       a time to kill  and a time to heal,      a time to tear down and a time to build, 4       a time to weep and a time to laugh,      a time  to mourn and a time to dance, 5       a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,      a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, 6       a time to search and a time to give up,      a time to keep and a time to throw away, 7       a time to tear and a time to mend,      a time to be silent  and a time to speak, 8       a time to love and a time to hate,      a time for war and a time for peace. There is a time for everything according to the Word of God.. Lord let us trust in yor timing for everyhting.  I thank you for your true and perfect timing Lord.  Amen.

A Prayer for Those Unseen Times

Dear Lord I thank you for the times that I spend in your presence The times that no one can see See that I am hurting See that I have been laboring with my tears The times that it seems like all hell has been breaking loose in my life The times that the kids didn't want to act right My wife was being difficult My husband had no understanding The times that there was no food on the table That time when I felt like giving up Or the time I simply had no direction Did I metion the time ALL the bills were due, and I had no momey Lord I need to know that you will be there  During those unseen times Times when people think that all is well And they think that I am okay But I am just too embarraessed to tell anyone that I am hurting This prayer is for those unseen times The moments that I can come in your presense I can pray to you I can let go and be ME God I am so grateful that you love ME Thank you Father for your unfailing love This is m

Staying Motivated During The Journey

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Okay I am two weeks into my plan, and everything is going great.  When I think of the first half of my weight loss journey, I think about all of the will power that I had in the beginning.  I think about how easy it was to encourage myself, and I think about all the optimism that I had in my mind, but there were days that I did not feel like going forward.  I mean I was not prepared for the days that I was not prepared for an obstacle.  There have been days that I did not wnat to work out.  I did not want to practice self dicipline, and i just wanted to eat the cookie in fridge.  How many times have you been standing on the scale, and you just felt like none of this is worth it?  Well, in my case there have been plenty of days that I would quit after two to three days of trying to bring change.  In the past I have procrastinated, and made the choice not to eat right, workout, or work to reach my goals.  In my mind to day i truly wonder