Planning For Summer Break

Summer is coming fast, and I have been searching for some healthy meals that will be easy to prepare.  It can heat up here in the south, and the kitchen is the last place that I want to be.  So I am preparing to do plenty of grilling.

Another thing that I love doing is baking all of my desserts and snacks.  I have never been a  fan of snacks out of the store, and found that baking is better.  When I bake my own foods I can control the ingredients.  That means that I can control the sugar and salt content in my food.  I substitute sugar with a low calorie sweetener.  My desserts are very easy to prepare, and it can fit any budget.  The best thing is I plan to have the children in the kitchen to learn a few lessons about food preparation. 

I want the children to learn to eat healthy, and learn about saving money.    I have become very concerned about how much sugar the kids are consuming, and have decided to adopt a healthier way to eat snacks.  This summer the kids and I will be making healthy snacks like granola bars, popcorn balls, and my famous chocolate chip cookies.  My cookies are not made with sugar(That is the best part) 

I love the summer time , and look forward to spending it with the children.  I have a great summer planned, and I look forward to teaching them over their vacation.  It is going to be a good summer break, but I want it to be a healthy one also.  I would like to add that our bodies is the temple of the Lord, and we should try our best to take care of it.  As I continue to grow the Holy Spirit is giving me some powerful revelations.   Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;  you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies  1 Corinthians 6:19-20



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