Okay I am single again, and a lot of things have changed,  I am the head of my household, the mother of four great children, and I have full control of all responsibilities.  I no longer have a covering, and I have felt a sense of loneliness without a partner.  I have often questioned if God could use me since my divorce.  I have always had a vision for ministry, and owning  my own business.  After my divorce I have been praying constantly asking the Lord to guide me through this phase of my life.  The process has been slow, and has taken much patience on my part.  I have been managing my home, and taking care of everything.  By the mercy and grace of God I am raising four beautiful children, and the Lord has been faithful in that area of my life.  He is guiding me on the journey of parenthood, and have blessed me to have a good group of kids.  (So far so good :)).

As a single mother I have so many things that I have to do, and I have to think about my own well being.  I have to make sure that every area of my life is in order.  I work really hard to make sure that my children get what they need.  I am involved in their education.  I try to be at every school function, activity, and be involved in their lives.  I have a very close relationship with each one of them, and love them very much.  I just realized that I need to take care of me.  In the mist of raising my children, and providing for them, I have  discovered that I need some rejuvenation.  That is where my prayer life, and the Word of God comes into the light.  I have found that meditating on the Word of God and prayer helps me to stay focused.  Life as a single mother can have its moments of stress and challenges, but I have managed to keep everything in line.  I have always thought I would get depressed, but God has been a beacon of light, and has loved me through this process.

I have decided to make some changes in my life, and transform myself from the inside out.  As I continue to go through  the healing process, and develop my character, I know that God is walking with me.  As a Christian woman I have decided to live a life of celibacy, and wait on the Lord to send me the right man.  I have heard that love is better the second time around.  All my hope is in the Lord, and he has been my strength.  I am looking forward to my new beginnings, and each day is an opportunity to do something new.  When life has its uncertainties we can always trust that God will be there.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.

My transformation is a process that I am looking forward to!!!!

I smile because I am happy and thank God for new beginnings in life!!

The Word of God is food for my spirit.  Matthew 4:4 says "Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."


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