I Will Wait Patiently On God

As I sit here looking out across my back yard I see all the beauty that God created.  The trees are like towers providing shade from the sun.  The day is mellow and cool.  You can tell that Spring is right around the corner.  My son is taking the time to enjoy the scenery as well.  The other children are happily playing with their friends in the front of the house.  And my oh my I can feel the serenity, and the peace of God.  I can remember talking to the Lord earlier in the day.  I was praying for some things to manifest in my life.  I have been expecting, and believing God for certain things,and trusting Him to bring them to past. 

I believe in praying fervently for God to answer prayers, but certain things do not happen over night.  I have learned that some things are worth waiting for.  If everything was instantaneous I would not have time to prepare for the blessings that God has for me.  When I find myself getting anxious I pray, and I can feel God's spirit comfort me.  I am learning to hear God's voice as I pray and talk to him.  When I am in His presence He is a comfort and a source of strength.

When God created the heavens and the earth everything was done in an instant.  God said "Let there be light", and there was light.  In six days God created the heavens and the earth.  He turned a blank canvas into a work of art.  As I look around I can some of those creations.  I can even see the process of patience in my children. 

From the moment of conception to birth I had to wait nine months to see my children's faces.  The birth of my children was worth the wait.  I guess the message that I want to convey is some things (God's Promises) are worth waiting for. 

I know that my Father will not deliver empty promises.  He will do whatever He said that He will do.  I am a child of the Most High God, and know that I am worthy of His promises.  I will not forget all that Jesus Christ done on the cross.  He has come for me to have life more abundantly.  He did not die for me to settle for mediocrity.  God may not come when I want him to, but he is a God of perfect timing.  Because of my trust in Him I will wait patiently on the Lord. 

This is Psalmist Amanda saying "Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity."


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