Fallen Angel

One night I was sitting on the steps of my house
I was in deep thought
The dog went inside his house for the night
I closed my eyes to feel the breeze
Summers are very hot and dry
The moon was shining very bright
unaware of what was happening
Something crashed int he bushes
I had jumped up and proceeded
To see what it was
My dog came running
Only to run back inside his house
I had shaken off any fear
That had encumbered me
I had found a few feathers on the ground
The size of the feathers amazed me
I had a desire to run
but curiosity loomed over me
I had noticed a wing of some kind
The wing span was amazingly long
My feet turned before I did
When the wing had started to flap
I ran to the house
I could hear my dog whimper
I had looked back to see what was in the yard
I looked out of the window
I had noticed a man standing there
He was looking back at me
My heart started to race with fear
I could not tell who he was
I was hungry and thirsty
I did not have any food or water
The man knocked at the back door
The smell of food filled the air
My neighbor was standing at the door
and he had some food and a bottle of water
He had a party for his son
and decided to bring me some food
I do not know how he had known
that I had no food and water
But he definitely became a fallen angel
on that particular night
© Amanda Matthews

Where the traveller goes...
"For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land."  Deuteronomy (15:11)  God will provide all of our needs according to his riches and glory in Christ Jesus.  I have never seen God forsaken anyone of his children.  May God help those that are suffering from brokenness and poverty.  Something as simple as a plate of food can save a life, and most people take that for granted.  One of my goals this year is to serve people in need.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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