Christ The Savior Is Born

   For unto us a King is born in the city of Bethlehem.  He lay in the manger next to his mother Mary.  All have come to adore this sweet child by bringing him gifts.  A star shining in the night symbolizing the birth of the Messiah.  We honor our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for he is the reason for the season. 

Jesus Christ gave his life for us to be free.  2 Corinthians 8:9 says "For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich; yet for your sakes he became poor so that you through his poverty might become rich."  Those that have not are rich through our Lord Jesus Christ.  He, the Son of God did not have a place to lay his head.  Luke 9:58 says "Foxes have holes, and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man has no place to lay his head." 

Jesus lived a simple life, and he was very open with the people.  He was not conceited even though he knew that he was royalty.  I love Jesus, because he gave himself for all mankind.  He does not discriminate, or show favoritism.  his love is unconditional, and he gives his love freely.  Even though most of society has taken God out of almost everything he is still on the throne.  You may try to take Christ out of Christmas, but he still lives.  He is more alive now than he was in the past.

If you don't know Jesus Christ I pray that he will come into your heart.  No man know the day or the hour that Christ will return.  Most of the world have turned their face from the true God , and they have forgotten their first love.  On that great day when I stand before the" Lord I want him to say" Job well done thy good and faithful servant."  If I could just reach one person at a time I can say that I tried my best.  I am believing God for three hundred followers over the next six months.  If this ministry has touched you in any way tell a friend about it.  As always may God bless you with peace and prosperity.
Happy holidays to you!!!
                                                                       Evangel Ink


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