
Showing posts from July, 2019

Monday Prayer

Dear LORD I come before you As humbly as I know how I lay all of my problems at your feet I come to you with an open heart And I come to you with an open mind I come to you With a heart full of gratitude Sometimes LORD I just need to lay in your presence And I need to hear a WORD I come to you LORD With open arms Ready to receive your love I open my mind to receive the thought of you I have lost so many things And I have given so much to others And yet I have bear ed my soul I have tried so many times Yet I have not yet been fulfilled You are the Creator And I give you all the glory and the praise In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word

Prayer for Saturday

Dear LORD Today I want to thank you For letting me open my eyes this morning Once again You have shown me great mercy You are good LORD And I thank you for all that you have done I thank you for the wave of peace That has come into my home I thank you for the wave of favour that you have given me I thank you for my portion of health There have been so many days That I could have been dead But you O LORD Had other plans for my life I thank you LORD for being with me And I give you honor I give you love I give you the praise That you deserve In JESUS name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda Matthews is a Minister of The Written Word

Prayer for Monday

 LORD Today I say a prayer of peace I ask that you calm the voices of anxiety I pray that you quiet the Spirit of fear Give me the strength O LORD To trust you Give me the peace to know That all things will work according to your will There is great solitude In trusting that you will be handle the situation Father GOD I place all my cares at your feet I give you all the burdens that I have I thank you O LORD for your peace You are the GOD of all Able to go above and beyond All of my situations I love you LORD I give you all of my praise And all of my worship In Jesus name I pray Amen and Amen Evangelist Amanda Matthews is a Minister of the Written Word

Prayer for this Saturday

Dear LORD Today I open my heart to you I come to you as humbly as I know how You are the LORD of my life You are the Creator of all the world I come to you with all that I have I lay all at your feet Today I release the shame that may come my way I release all of the hurt of my past I release all of the pain hurt and confusion That has surrounded me God you are my shelter in the mist of the storm You wings protect me from the trouble that may sought after my life In you GOD I can put all of my trust The winds obey your voice You have the power to cal the sea You are the LORD my GOD The people of the world will see all of your majesty One day they will see All of your glorious works In Jesus name I pray Amen Evangelist Amanda is a Minister of the Written Word

Wednesday Psalm of David Prayer

Today's prayer consists of a Psalms of David.  David was a faithful righteous man and below is Psalm 138.  Today as you reflect over your life be mindful of how God's goodness has touched the lives of those that been faithful.  Have a blessed Wednesday and be well. —AMU—   AMU       —AR—   ERV-AR   NAV       —AWA—   ERV-AWA       —BG—   BG1940   BULG   ERV-BG   CBT   BOB   BPB       —CCO—   CCO       —CEB—   APSD-CEB       —CHR—   CHR       —CKB—   KSS       —CKW—   CKW       —CS—   B21   SNC       —CY—   BWM       —DA—   BPH   DN1933       —DE—   HOF   LUTH1545   NGU-DE   SCH1951   SCH2000       —EN—   KJ21   ASV   AMP   AMPC   BRG   CSB   CEB   CJB   CEV   DARBY   DLNT   DRA   ERV   EHV   ESV   ESVUK   EXB   GNV   GW   GNT   HCSB   ICB   ISV   PHILLIPS   JUB   KJV   AKJV   LEB   TLB   MSG   MEV   MOUNCE   NOG   NABRE   NASB   NCV   NET   NIRV   NIV   NIVUK   NKJV   NLV   NLT   NMB   NRSV   NRSVA   NRSVACE   NRSVCE   NTE   OJB   TPT   RSV   RSVCE   TLV   VOICE   WEB   WE

Prayer for Monday

Dear LORD You are the Creator of the Universe I am in awe of you You make the seas to calm down You bless is to see another beautiful day The wind obeys your voice You are the LORD Here I am I am dust before you My life is in your hands I can be glad to know that you are the LORD All of my cares I will lay them down at your feet You are the LORD my GOD You are bale to heal You are able to restore You are the LORD In whom I have placed all of my trust I thank you LORD Jesus For all that you have done In Jesus precious name I pray AMEN Evangelist Amanda Matthews is a Minister of the Written Word

Sunday Prayer

Dear LORD As I embark on this new journey in my life I am asking that you help me to decide The best road to travel You have been more than a kind God You have been the God of my life You are the Father of Isaac, Abraham and Jacob You are the Father of Noah And the Father of Joseph You are the Creator of both Adam and Eve My dear LORD You are the Father of the Universe You are the Creator Some people hold truth to what they believe And therefore I hold truth to mine The the darkness of fear Have no place in my life And may there be joy in all that I do In the name of the LORD Thank you JESUS The Prince of peace That you will blow a fresh wind in my life For you are a merciful God A gracious GOD And a loving GOD Thank you FATHER In Jesus Christ name I pray AMEN Evangelist Amanda Matthews is a Minister of the Written Word

Prayer for Thursday

Dear LORD Father I thank you for all that you have done I thank you for blessing my bread and water I thank you for the gift of life I thank for giving me another day To live and to grow I praise  you God for your mercy And I thank you for your grace I thank you for the breathe of life And being able to shout another day Praise another day And walk in your light another day You are my buckler and shield You are the LORD Even though danger may come nigh You are my protector LORD You have been GOD You are GOD And you will be GOD You are the LORD Hallelujah When trouble comes to my doorstep You cover me with the wings of your LOVE Every one has their own definition of who GOD is But in my eyes You are the rose of Sharon You are the Lily of the valley You are the great I AM You are Elohim You are the Great Liberator And you are ABBA father Thank you LORD JESUS I love you LORD I bless you FATHER I give you the glory I give you the praise on this day Thank

A Truth of a Slave Mentality

Before I get into my story I just want to give God some praise.  Without him I would not have the beautiful gift of writing, and I would not be able to share what He is enabling me to give.  It is through the gift that my Father has given that I am able to share the gospel, and evangelise the WORD through the written sector.  All praise be to the LORD, and I honor and raise him for all that he has done. In Jesus name I give all honor today. For the next few days I want to look at a subject that many thought had been dead and buried.  Like most people in the world there are those that want to forget history, and pretend like it never happened.  I come from a place in my Spirit that says we are not at the end of racism, and we may never see an end to this form of hatred.  There are some that believe that we have made strides, but there are still signs that we are under the shadows of racism, and we are still in a struggle of equality.   Over the next week I will go over some mate

Psalm of David Prayer

Psalms 101 1-8  My theme song is God’s love and justice,      and I’m singing it right to you,  God . I’m finding my way down the road of right living,      but how long before you show up? I’m doing the very best I can,      and I’m doing it at home, where it counts. I refuse to take a second look      at corrupting people and degrading things. I reject made-in-Canaan gods,      stay clear of contamination. The crooked in heart keep their distance;      I refuse to shake hands with those who plan evil. I put a gag on the gossip      who bad-mouths his neighbor; I can’t stand      arrogance. But I have my eye on salt-of-the-earth people—      they’re the ones I want working with me; Men and women on the straight and narrow—      these are the ones I want at my side. But no one who traffics in lies      gets a job with me; I have no patience with liars. I’ve rounded up all the wicked like cattle      and herded them right out of the country. I purged  God ’s city      of all

God the Father of David Prayer

LORD Teach me how to have patience Like a flower in your Holy Garden Let me grow  in the light of your love I know with you all things are possible And I stand before you in humility When Father and mother forsake me And I feel that all hope is gone I know that I can count on you LORD You are the LORD of my salvation You are the GOD of hope You are a healer Peace maker And a heart regulator It is you Godmedium The giver of life Like the Psalmist David m My heart has a new song I will dance for you I will sing for you I will praise you All the days of my life You are the LORD On whom I can depend And I am forever grateful For all your love In Jesus name I pray Amen