
Showing posts from February, 2013

God Is Everything to Me

"I will lift my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."  (Psalms 121:1-2) The Bible says that I can depend on God for all of my needs.  In a time of crisis I know who I can turn to.  It is no great mystery that God takes care of His children.  I have no doubt that God will let me go through my storms alone.  There is a guarantee that God is a refuge in a time of trouble.  God is a mighty warrior in battle, and He will always be victorious in all things.  God is the Omnipotent One, and He is the Magnificent Father.  There is not a situation, or circumstance that God will not handle.  I am witness that He will see you through.  It is evident that God will supply all of my needs.  Philippians 4:19 says "And my God will meet all of your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus."  Hallelujah!!!! I know that God will always be on time in all things.  It is nice to have family a

Jesus Yeshua

As I sit here thinking about what the word says about the life of our Savior I realize that I can never repay him for all that he has done. I often wonder how Jesus felt about his life on this earth, and what he is thinking about how we are living today. We know from the scriptures that Jesus was born in a manger surrounded by animals. In the book of Luke 2:16 says " So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby who was lying in the manger." You would think that the King of the world would have been born in a better place, but he was born in a barn. The story of Jesus's life has always touched my heart, and brought an enormous amount of joy to my soul. To follow a man like Jesus is an honor. His life was very simple, yet it had great complexity. My Savior experienced what it is like to be human, and he is the Lord of Lords. Do you ever think about how Jesus felt when Peter denied him? The Bible says that "Immediately the rooster crowed the second tim


For the times that I have been hungry You have given me bread to eat For the times that I have been thirsty You have allowed me to drink from the living waters When I was fearful and afraid You have been there to comfort me When I was lost in the wilderness You have found me When I have suffered from loneliness You have been there to comfort me When I was in need You have provided for me When I was sick You were the one who healed my body When I ask you for wisdom You have given me the truth When I was in need You have come to my rescue When I was crying You have come to wipe away my tears When I was angry It was your strength that has kept me calm When I need a friend You are always there When I needed saving You sent your Son to die on the cross for me © Amanda Matthews   Jesus answered "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone but on every word that  comes from the mouth of God."  Matthew 4:4   "For


      I was so close That I could reach out and touch it Suddenly It slipped from my hands I almost claimed the biggest blessing But somehow I lost it My journey seems long Some nights are long Days drift by slowly This is where life really makes demands Somedays I  do not know Whether I am coming or going Petrified by lonliness Unable to move Unable to understand Why I feel sad Sometimes it takes strength to move a mountain Sometimes I look around to find myself thinking again Sometimes I cry Sometimes I get angry Sometimes I feel like running away Sometimes I need a shoulder to lean on Until God lifts me up Out of the pits of life Sometimes it is okay to be human Sometimes it is okay to be me and express who I am Thank God that he loves me unconditionally Sometimes it is okay to Praise him For all the things that he has done   © Amanda Matthews     Psalm 119:105  " Your Word is a lamp to my feet, and a li


Freedom to speak Freedom to grow Freedom to know Freedom to stand and be proud Freedom of choice Freedom of strength Freedom of voice Freedom of the press Freedom of religion Freedom to love Freedom to be happy The freedom to believe Freedom to be free Freedom for you The freedom to be me © Amanda Matthews      "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free,"  John 8:32 

Everything That You Need

Karlisha was a very intelligent young woman.  She had everything that she wanted in the world.  She had a loving husband, two beautiful children, and what some would call a dream job.  The *Moore family had security in their finances, and did not worry about having a secure future.  All bills had always been paid on time, and they had taken a family vacation every year.  Karlisha had always taken the time to take care of her body.  She was going to be thirty five soon, and felt her biological clock was ticking.  *Sam was very supportive of his wife.  He thought that she was a great mother, and loved her with all of his heart.  They had talked about having more children , but did not want to rush the idea.  From time to time Karlisha would attend her local church, and had difficulty getting Sam to go.  You see Sam did not believe in one deity, and had no desire to attend church.  He had felt that he was not missing anything, and he kind of used Sunday as a day of rest. Karlisha felt i

Fallen Angel

One night I was sitting on the steps of my house I was in deep thought The dog went inside his house for the night I closed my eyes to feel the breeze Summers are very hot and dry The moon was shining very bright unaware of what was happening Something crashed int he bushes I had jumped up and proceeded To see what it was My dog came running Only to run back inside his house I had shaken off any fear That had encumbered me I had found a few feathers on the ground The size of the feathers amazed me I had a desire to run but curiosity loomed over me I had noticed a wing of some kind The wing span was amazingly long My feet turned before I did When the wing had started to flap I ran to the house I could hear my dog whimper I had looked back to see what was in the yard I looked out of the window I had noticed a man standing there He was looking back at me My heart started to race with fear I could not tell who he was I was hungry

I Will Keep Running This Race

Father God thank you that I am still here I know that I have to press on Despite of what I am going through I will continue to press on Through trouble Through adversity Through all the pain that I have experienced I want to keep running this race Despite the fact that I am struggling to keep up I will run on to see what the end will be It doesn't matter what people say about me I am not concerned about the past I have to keep running Despite my financial situation I got to run on I will continue to press I will not stop until I reach my destiny I praise you Lord For all that you are getting ready to do You are my God and I love you I may not finish first place But I will continue to press on To see what the end will be copyrights reserved by Amanda Matthews   

Women of Modesty

I have a great desire to help young women recognize who they are in Jesus. Can these young women dress any kind of way. and represent the Lord? I am not saying that you should hide your beauty, but I think that every woman should be modest, and have respect for their bodies.  1Timothy 2:9 says " I also want women to dress modestly,with decency and propriety, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes." That simply means that there are certain standards that we must keep as Women of Christ. I am quite baffled that many young women only define beauty by what they see in our society. Everybody has a different idea of what beautiful is. Being made in the image of God also means that each one of us has our own unique style. He designed each of us for a special purpose. Most young women suffer from low self esteem, and feel that they have no true value Proverbs 31 describes a phenomenal woman of holiness it says that she is far above rubies. In fa

My Eyes Are On You

Sometimes we have to take our eyes off our problems, and place our focus on God.  We can have peace in our lives, and trust that God will help us through any situation or circumstance.  At some points in our lives we have to be like eagles, and learn to fly high above our problems.  When we learn how to soar we can reach a peak of peace, and have faith that will not waiver.  We can place our problems in the hands of our Father, and he will give us rest.  The Lord is not like man that he shall lie, and break his promises.  We are the children of the Most High God, and we are made in His Image.  My spirit is the spirit that I have received from my Father, and I am a direct creation of Him.  We have been empowered to handle all things in the name of Jesus Christ.  Even when the storms are blowing I am covered by my Father.  He is a refuge in a time of the storm.  My Father is the Lord, and I am a recipient of His mercy and grace.  I am covered by His favor, and He loves me uncondi



Something About That Name

The things that I love about God is he never boast about his power. He is slow to anger, and he loves us unconditionally. He does not discriminate, or show favoritism among his children. When we make mistakes he is there to help us pick up the pieces. He is a father to the fatherless, and he takes care of the sick. He has compassion for the poor, and he supplies all of their needs. My Father created heaven, earth, and made man from the dust of the ground. He has given me another opportunity to praise his wonderful name. I love the Lord, because he is the creator of all things, and I worship him in gladness and truth. As the days and seasons change time is moving quickly. I don't know what you have been through, and where you are right now. God can see all things, and he knows what you are facing. Please know that we serve a Mighty God, and he loves you very much. Until next time may the Lord richly bless you with peace and prosperity.  God is shaping me and prepar