The Calling of Motherhood

We have all been inspired by something at one time in our lives.  In the past I have written about many things, and have found many things to be interesting.  One thing that has inspired me the most is motherhood.  I believe that motherhood is a very high calling.  It may not be the only calling in a woman's life, but is very important in the life of a woman.  Mothers are teachers, role models, trainers, and keepers of their children.  Motherhood is one of the greatest blessings that have been bestowed upon women.  One of the most amazing events that happened in my life was giving birth to my children.  From that moment my life has gained more purpose and significance. 

Psalms 113:9 says "He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children."  God was right on time with this scripture.  Some of my most happiest moments have been with my children.  I am in awe when I am around them.  They are truly amazing.  As their first teacher, and role model I always enjoy teaching them.  The girls are really loving my lessons on baking and sewing.  My personal belief is a mother's job is very important.  Most of us are designed to teach.  I know that each mother is different, and has her own way of raising her children.  I am raising my children in a Christian home , and want them to be productive in society. 

My ministry has everything to do with young women discovering who they are.  Titus 2:4 says  "And so train the young women to love their husbands and children."  It is my passion to help every young woman be productive in her home.   In 2013 I will be working on getting my organization off the ground.  It will teach young women the importance of self esteem, health, motherhood, and many other things that pertains to being a woman. 

I thank the Lord for allowing me to be a mommy.  My kids are the greatest blessings that I have received.  My oldest daughter has always made my day with her words.  Every night she hugs me and tells me "Mommy you are the greatest mom in the world".  Those words always melt my heart.  I believe that motherhood is a high calling from God, and I have accepted it with appreciation and joy.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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