The Barren Shall be FRUITFUL and Multiply

Today I would like to minister to the women that have been yearning for a child.  I want to share some of my journey into  motherhood, and what the scriptures say about some of the women in the Bible that was in direct contact with the Creator when they had given birth to their miracle babies.

To be barren means to be unproductive, infertile, unfruitful, and desolate.  In the Bible there were several woman that had to deal with being barren, but today I will talk about three.  At a time in theese women's lives God had chosen to close the wombs of these women.  Again their wombs has been considred to be desolate, and very infertile.  These women of the Bible suffered from infertility.

Back in these days there was no such thing as fertility treatments, and there were no such things as IVF, and egg transfers.  In the case of Sarah she is one of the first women that had a surrogate to carry a child for her.  Unlike women today the women in the Bible did not have access to medical technology, but they had direct contact with the Creator.  Again in the case of Sarah she had confirmation from God that she was going to give birth to a son.

As I sit here writing this I am reminded that I too was a barren woman.  For one reason or another I could not concieve, or give birth to children.  Twenty years ago I was a young married wife, and I had a desire to give birth.  I had always wanted a family, but I was under the impression that I could not give birth.  The first woman in the Bible that I have come to admire is Hannah.  She was the wife of Elkanah, and the mother of Samuel. The reason for the admiration is that she was barren, and the Father God had blessed her to give birth.  If you have ever read the story you can read about her grief, shame, and the emotional pain that she was feeling.  She wanted to be a mother, and it was made known to God that she had this desire.  The story tells you that the elder of the temple thought that she was drunk off alcohol, but this woman was grieivng the fact that she was able to give her husband any children.  Hannah had known that she could not mother the children of her husband's second wife, therefore she wanted to have children of her own.

The first story in this series is about Sarah.  She was the wife of Abraham, and the book of Genisis is home to the story that I am getting ready to tell.  The Bible says that Sarah was a very beautiful woman.  You see Sarah was  a very loving and faithful wife.  She was devoted to her husband Abraham.  At some point in her life Sarah had no faith in the fact that she would concieve, and she was brave to trust , and allow the Lord to change her perspective.  After all Sarah was an older woman when God had given the promise that she would give birth to a son/child.  It was hard for Sarah to believe that she could have a child now that her womb had been infertile for so long, but the saying goes is there anything to hard for the Lord?  She had laughed at the fact that God had promised her a son now that she was too old to enjoy motherhood. In her mind she had convinced herself that motherhood would never be a part of her future.

The bible does not say why Sarah was barren, but like many women she had tried everything to have a child.  In fact she was one of the first women who experieneced having a surrogate to have a child.  Surrogacy is when a woman agrees to carry a child, or make arrangements to carry a child for someone else.  In a way Hagar was a surrogate for Sarah.  Little did Sarah know that her surrogate/ servant would later turn on her.

God does not need a reason to bless his people.  Well, what do you mean Evangelist Amanda?  I don't care how bad the situiation is there is a God that sits high, and looks low.  He is a way maker, a mind regualtor, and he can change a situation in an instant.  You can believe what you want to, but I believe that the God I serve can turn it around.  Look what he done for this barren woman named Sarah.  He had opened her womb, and blessed her to have a son.  She had tried everything .. even conviving her husband to sleep with her servant.  The plan that she had conjured up didnt work.. it backfired, and it blew up in her face.  But the God of her husband Abraham said "Is there anything to hard for me.  Is there anything to hard for the Lord?"  Look at God in all of His Glory!  I need to shout right there!

Is there really anything to hard for the Lord.  If anybody can work it out God can, and He can work it out for you  This week I will include two more parts in this series, and will be putting together video for people to view.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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