How Lack Can Turn Into Favor

  Yesterday I had started a series that has been talking about the barreness of the womb.  In fact I shared a story about Sarah, and how she had dealt with infertility, and being a barren woman. Just to recap on what has been written.  To be barren means to be infertile. unfruitful, or desolate.  In this case we are talking about barreness, or unable to have children.  The story of Sarah has really touched my heart, as I was one that was once barren, but God has sense opened my womb, and blessed me with four children.

Today I would like to continue our topic, and touch on the story of Hannah. I was so inspired by the stories of this woman that my first daughter has the name of  Hannah.  If you remember the story of Hannah, you know that her story is very unique.  She was the wife of a man named Elkanah, and she had become the mother of Samuel. 

In Samuel 1 where the story of Hannah begins, you can see why her story is so unique.  Just like Sarah, Hannah was a faithful, and devoted wife to her husband.  Elkanah had another wife who had children.  According to the story Penninah was very cruel to Hannah, because she had no children.  It says that every year that Elkanah went up to Shiloah, he would pass helpings of the sacrificial meal to his wife Penninah and her children.  The Scriptures had explained that he would give extra portions to Hannah, because he loved her very much.  The issue is that Hannah was barren. 

As Hannah ate her meal she was still weakly vexed, and very troubled in her Spirit.  She went to the temple to pray, and she had poured her heart out to God.  Eli the Priest had observed Hannah, and thought that she was drunk as she poured her heart out to the Lord.  Hannah, the woman of God had only grief and desire at the time of her entering the temple.  Her prayer to God is so heartfelt.  She had poured out her heart unto the Lord for him to bless her with a child.

There have been times that I had barreness not only in my womb, but in different aspects of my life.  Barreness, or the lack of fruitfulness can show up anywhere in your life.  Maybe your finances have been in lack, or your health has started to fail.  You may hae a child that is rebellious, and he/she do not want to reason with you.  There can be a myriad of things that can take place in our lives that can cause barreness.  In the Bible is says "For nothing will be impossible with God" Luke 1:37   You may be in  a battle for your life, but the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Issac WILL NOT sit idle while you suffer.  There is hope, peace, and a solution to all that you may be going through.

If you are a barren woman, and you are trying to concieve keep your faith.  I believe that GOD is going to bless you with all that your heart is desiring.  There are thousands of women that are suffering with infertility,, and they have a desire to be a mother.  I know that prayers are anwsered in different ways, and God's will is what God's will is.  But I firmly believe that God will supply all of our needs according to his riches  and glory in Christ Jesus.

Tomorrow I will continue to minister on barreness, and how fruitfulness,and favor can fall on all who seeks to become pregnant, and are believing God for a miracle.  Until next time May God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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