Praying and Soaring Like An Eagle

Happy Thursday everyone.  This is the day that the Lord has made and I will rejoice, and be glad in it.  Well, today  I am studying I and I hear the words "PEACE BE STILL"
The scriptures say "He says be still and know that I am God.  I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalms 46:10)

Today I am in a peaceful state of mind, and my spirit feels so much peace.  Even in the mist of so many pessimistic people and sources I have learned to put my eagle's wings, and soar above everything that I have been reading.  I am aware of all the things that are taking place, but my trust and hope is anchored in my belief in Yahweh.

There are a million signs that is screaming destruction, but my hope is in the One that can save the spirit.  It has taken some time to obtain this level of  peace, and I thank God that I have found it.  I have more joy, love, and patience.  I am learning how to stand in this evil day, and still maintain my peace.

My purpose for writing is to bring some peace.  I want you to feel inspired, motivated, and encouraged to live through any circumstance.  Yes the enemy is seeking whom he may devour, and that is his job to devour.  I believe it is my job to help rally the troops for battle.  I mean keep you encouraged to seek things out spiritually.  Encouraging you to pray, find solace and wisdom in the Word.  Motivating a people to be anchored in their spiritual beliefs.  I have been fighting the enemy on my knees.  There is power in prayer, power in my belief of God, and power in my words.  Wishing you a blessed and happy day.  Until next time I wish you peace and prosperity.

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