There is no JUSTICE for doing WRONG

Every now and again I come across stories that catch my eye, and I have to research and write about what I have read or watched.  Early this morning I was studying, and doing my research.  I had come across some videos, and articles that made me think a little harder about the world that we live in.

I have just finished viewing some videos of a man that says its okay to rape women.  Not only did he say it was okay to rape women, but he said it was okay to rape young girls.  My first point is when is it okay to be a rapist, pedophile, or molester?  Now I know that people do things in the name of religion, and they try to justify their own agenda, and wrongdoing through the Holy books, but some things will just not be justified I don't care how you look at it.

Because of such teachings, and the fact that these people are free, and in our communities makes me advocate the importance of protecting our children, in this case our young girls.  

As a mother , and an advocate for children I have no respect for a pedophile or rapist.  As a believer I have to "love" these people, but I will never have respect for any man or woman who has this type of agenda.  In no way, form, or fashion is it right to force anyone to do your will, and as a mother of young girls a man would have a serious problem with me if he tried to pursue my young girls.  

Where is the justice in the violation of women and young children?  I don't think there is a man in this world that will stand and say that he has a right to my daughters.  I know that we are living in perilous times, and this is great evidence that has shown we are in need of prayer, and we need it NOW.

We need action to protect our sisters and daughters. Motherhood is a calling, and the BIGGEST part of my ministry.  I am believer of GOD first, and then I am a MOTHER  After a mother I am a sister, woman, and everything else that goes along with my identity.  

I was not placed here to be ostracized, casted out, put down, or used.  My daughters were not place here to be treated like slaves, prostitutes, sexual objects, or property of men or anyone of that matter.  

Mothers we are suppose to be the first teachers, role models, mentors, and protectors of our children.  We ARE obligated to teach our young girls who they are.  There are wordily people who have worldly agendas.  They don't care about your children.  They do what they need to do to JUSTIFY what they believe is right.  I have heard many people who have said how wrong an individual is to be a Christian, Muslim, or Jewish, and have literally ran these religions in the ground, and how wrong you are to serve God.  What about blowing the Shofar on these people for wanting to do harm to your daughter, mother, or sister?

Today, I am advocating for motherhood, RESPECT for our young girls, daughters, and sisters.  Society needs to stop telling our young girls that it is okay to wear less clothes.  Stop telling our daughters that they are ugly because they have dark skin.  Stop ostracizing poor women making them feel inferior, because they cant feed their families.  UPLIFT. encourage, motivate, and help them do better.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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