Life Should Not Be Taken for Granted

This morning while I was taking my morning walk, I was in total awe of the things that God created in nature.  The sky was so blue, and the birds were chirping happily.  I almost forgot about all the chaos that is going on the in the world.  I was in such a peaceful state of mind.  A thought came across my mind, and I had such a burst of joy and good energy.

I have to admit that I am blessed.  I may not have more than other people, but I thank the Most High for what I have in my present life.  I do not take things for granted, or take the things and people that I have in my present life for granted.

There are so many people that do not have food to eat.  There are parents with babies that do not have shoes on their feet.  There are wars all over this land.  Most people have chosen hate over love, and sometimes it is hard to understand what is going on in the minds of man.  There are teenagers and children living with HIV.  People are fighting for rights that will believe will make them free.  Thank God for the freedom and renewing of my mind.  Thank God for the will of love.  What greater is there to find.  My brothers and sisters are being gunned down in the streets.  Suicide is at an all time high.  LORD, I have to stand here and think....God I have to wonder why.... do so many people take things for granted?

Hebrews 13:16 says " And do not forget to do good  and share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased."  NIV

Hebrews 13:5 says " Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have."

I a thankful for what I have right at this moment, and I will continue to work in reaching my highest goals and keep the desire to do good.


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