I AM expecting the Unexpected

I always tell my children to never give up on their dreams.  I want them to know that the sky is the limit when it comes to succeeding in this life.  I also want them to know that there will be storms that will come their way.  I am teaching them techniques, and ways to handle disappointment when it comes.  If I told them that life was going to be easy I would be setting them up for a world of disappointments and troubles.

I have learned to smile through some of the most difficult moments in my life.  I had to smile while I waited to receive food at the local food bank.  I had to smile when I realized that my son became ill, and I had to smile when I had my surgery.  Some people ask me "How can you smile when your world is coming apart?"  I simply tell them "I know that God is working it all out."  Each day that I live I know that the Lord has something better planned for my life.  I can feel in my spirit that the Lord I is always there for me, and with that assurance I can smile through anything.

Life with God has been better and greater than it has without him.  Even with the storms of life raging I can smile, and trust God's promises.  Despite of what is going on in the world I can trust God, and His Word. 

No matter what you are facing in this life, know that God is always there, and he will never fail.  Hold your head up high and smile, because he cares for you.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.


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