
Showing posts from May, 2013

A Woman of God

A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing in value She bring him good, and not harm all the days of her life She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands   bringing her food from afar she gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions to her female servants She considers a field and buys it out of her earning she plants a vineyard She sets about her work vigorously her arms are strong for her tasks She sees that her trading is profitable and her lamps do not go out at night In her hands   ands she holds the distaff and grasps the spindle with her fingers She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy When it snows she has no fear for her household for all of them are clothed in scarlet She makes coverings for her bed She is clothed in fine linen and purple She is like the merchant

Planning For Summer Break

Summer is coming fast, and I have been searching for some healthy meals that will be easy to prepare.  It can heat up here in the south, and the kitchen is the last place that I want to be.  So I am preparing to do plenty of grilling. Another thing that I love doing is baking all of my desserts and snacks.  I have never been a  fan of snacks out of the store, and found that baking is better.  When I bake my own foods I can control the ingredients.  That means that I can control the sugar and salt content in my food.  I substitute sugar with a low calorie sweetener.  My desserts are very easy to prepare, and it can fit any budget.  The best thing is I plan to have the children in the kitchen to learn a few lessons about food preparation.  I want the children to learn to eat healthy, and learn about saving money.    I have become very concerned about how much sugar the kids are consuming, and have decided to adopt a healthier way to eat snacks.  This summer the kids and I will be mak

Kindergarten School Trip

This past Friday I had a chance to be a chaperone for my daughter's kindergarten field trip.  There were 80 little children eager to check out nature.  This year the students had the opportunity to explore nature, and walk along a mountain trail.  Our trail guide made the trip very exciting, and I think the kids absolutely enjoyed themselves.  I was excited, because I love to see children that want to learn.  It really warmed my heart when to see so many kids with smiles on their faces. My daughter Keara was excited to see all of the different species of plants, and the birds that had flown  along the trail.  The memories of this trip will not be forgotten. and I am looking forward to what will happen next. I think that this trip was very exciting for all the kindergarten classes at the children's school.  As a parent I want to be involved in all of my children's activities.  Children are the future, and I want to be a part in making a difference in their li

My Life and My Calling

I am so glad that I have chosen to go into business for myself.  When I first started this journey I had to pray for God's revelation.  I have been writing for over eighteen years, and always found it to be enjoyable experience.  Another thing in my life that I have found to be fulfilling is being a mother.  I think that this is the greatest role that God as given me.  I feel blessed and honored to be raising my children.  I am their first teacher, role model, and mentor.  Above all things I am a co creator of life.  I take great pride in teaching my children the Word of God, and helping them learn along their journey of life. Yesterday I was looking out of my living room window, and I heard a conversation that my daughter Hannah was having with a friend.  Apparently the friend was not being very nice to her mom, and I heard Hannah tell her about the scriptures that she is learning this week.  This week I am teaching from the scriptures of Ephesians 6:1-2. She told her friend &q

The Importance of Having Me Time

It is 5:00 in the morning , and the alarm keeps ringing in my ear.  I have a whole list of chores, and work that I have to get done for the day.  I have piles of laundry that needs to be washed, and I have four children that has to be at school by seven.  I am backed up in my work, and have several deadlines that I have to meet.  The yard needs to be cut, and the bushes need trimming.  I have to go to the grocery store, and have dinner on the table by 4 pm.  Did I mention that I have to braid the girls hair, and take the car for maintenance.  This is the life that I live on a daily basis.  I am constantly on the go.  O I did not mention the kids have activities, and other things that is not related to school.  The life of a busy mom requires plenty of energy.  That is why I make it a priority to have some "Me Time".  Something as simple as a good hot bath to treating myself to a healthy lunch.   I always take time out of the day to spend with myself.  I have found that taki


Okay I am single again, and a lot of things have changed,  I am the head of my household, the mother of four great children, and I have full control of all responsibilities.  I no longer have a covering, and I have felt a sense of loneliness without a partner.  I have often questioned if God could use me since my divorce.  I have always had a vision for ministry, and owning  my own business.  After my divorce I have been praying constantly asking the Lord to guide me through this phase of my life.  The process has been slow, and has taken much patience on my part.  I have been managing my home, and taking care of everything.  By the mercy and grace of God I am raising four beautiful children, and the Lord has been faithful in that area of my life.  He is guiding me on the journey of parenthood, and have blessed me to have a good group of kids.  (So far so good :)). As a single mother I have so many things that I have to do, and I have to think about my own well being.  I have to mak

Happy Mother's Day

A mother's love is always there No matter how old we get They stand by us through the good and bad Doing what it takes to make sure that we are well She is a beacon of light Raising her children She is a strong vessel Strong and tall A blessing to her children She has value in the eyes of God She is a mother And a mother's love is priceless Happy Mother's Day To all the mothers of the world May God bless you on this wonderful journey   Happy Mother's Day to my mom!!!     My girls and I smile together!! My boys and I show each other love!!   Happy Birthday to my oldest son Ray.  My first blessing on Mother's Day 2002!!  

My Children's Lesson On Giving

This week my children and I have donated over fifty pairs of shoes to charity.  Every time they do something wonderful I want everyone to know about it.  In the past I have stressed how much I love being a mommy.  Well that is still true I love my children so much!  God has definitely placed me in the right role in life.  I think that motherhood is one of the highest callings from God.  It is not the only role that I have, but it is the most fulfilling and rewarding.  I like being the mom that is a chaperone on all school trips.  I am the mommy that has to take kids to soccer practice and art lessons every day.  Oh yeah I am the mommy that has homemade cookies for all the kids in the neighborhood!! I want my children to know the importance of giving, and to help other people when they need it.  They have been taught about the people that are less fortunate.  There are parents that are not able to get their children food, or clothes.  The Lord is providing all of our needs, and we are

A Grateful Attitude

God, Today I thank you for my life.  You blessed me, and my family to see another day.  I lift my hands in worship thanking you for being the Lord of my life.  My children and I honor you with our lives.  You have watched over me, and have taken care of me from the moment of conception. The enemy has tried to lead me astray, but I keep coming back to my first love.  You will always be in the center of my heart.  I bow down, and give you the praises that is due only to you Lord.  I come to you with all that I am, being thankful for all that you have provided us with. Watch over your children, and have mercy on those those that are sick, lost, and living in poverty.  We need you Lord to help the ones that are depressed, unhappy, and have a down cast spirit.  Lord, I am so thankful to you for my life, and giving the voice to lift your name on high.  Thank you Lord for your mercy and grace Amen...... Psalm 23:1 says " The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not be in want."

The Father Has Always Known You

The Lord knows all about the issues that I face in my life.  He is aware of every ache and pain that I have endured through the years.  God has seen my thoughts before I made plans to utter a word.  God knows when I am getting ready to cry, and he has seen the moments where I was ready to give up. Nobody knows your journey, or the plans that the Lord has made for your life.  You and I can be in the same room for days, but we both have  different assignments.  Our visions are different, but we are both made by God.  He has perfect knowledge of man, and he knows all about what he is going to do for you.  The scripture says "O Lord You have searched me and known me.  You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all of my ways." Psalm 139:1-3. You do not have to feel like you are alone.  God has known you from the point of conception.  He knew what color eyes would be , and ye