
Showing posts from January, 2013

Inspired By The Life of A Child

When I look into my son's eyes I notice that there is something missing. Just a year ago he was vibrant and happy. No one could beat him playing basketball, or playing video games. Today he is in his own little world. You see my son was diagnosed with autism in 2002. From that point he has regressed in his verbal and social skills. I always try to encourage him, but he still struggles to speak. My other children have trouble understanding what is happening to him. They ask me questions like "Will my brother get better?" I believe in my heart that my son will speak again, and do the things that has brought him joy in the past. I love to see him laugh, and have fun with his siblings. As a parent it is very frustrating to see my child struggle to do things for himself. I know that he is not the only child that has autism or special needs. When I look at a child with special needs I see beauty in them. Each child is unique, and special in their own way.

Teens and Depression

There are approximately 70% of teenagers that are suffering from depression.  Most teens have stress at school, work, and at home.  Some parents are unaware that their children are having problems.  Most teens that have depression are more likely to be depressed in adulthood.  Depression can affect every aspect of a child's life, and can cause problems with relationships and friendships.  Most important above all it can affect a child's self esteem. Depression is a mental disorder that if left untreated can cause major issues for the individual.  Proper diagnosis is necessary to determine if your child is at risk.  Treating this disorder can greatly increase the chance that your child can make a full recovery.  In my opinion I believe that depression is a very serious disorder when it comes to young people.  They have to face so many things in our society, and feel that they have to live up to a certain standard.  Many of these children never get treated for depression, and

My God Our God

Today I will stand strong in my faith I thank the Lord for all that he has done for me I am a firm believer that God is the one true God There is nobody greater than the Lord I will put my trust in Him For all things are possible through Jesus Christ It is not about your status How many degrees you may have Who you know It is not about your title God is looking at our hearts To see if we are full of love He doesn't care about our size, or the color of our skin God wants us to love and honor Him He gave His one and only Son So that we could have life By the blood of Jesus We are healed from all infirmities All we need to do is have faith The size of a mustard seed. I believe that God is doing a new thing. Old things are now passed away Thank God for His mercy and grace For he is good to all of his children Have you made Jesus the Lord of your life? There is always an open invitation to accept the Lord He is waiting for you to op


  For years I have struggled with my weight.  As a child I can remember being one of the biggest kids in my class.  I was very shy, introverted, and very vulnerable to ridicule and jokes.  There were days that I had been embarrassed to eat at school,and realized that we had nothing to eat at home.  There were also times that I would eat until I could not take another bite.  Other kids would often gawk at me, because I was morbidly obese.  They did not see that I was talented, nice, and had a lot of potential.  At that age I don not think that our minds had matured. I did not realize how precious I was to God, and I did not see my inner beauty.  I was overly concerned about having friends and fitting in with the crowd.  Like most young girls I had a want to be popular, and felt anxiety about not being able to belong to a certain crowd.  I was unaware of the good things that God had placed in me.  I ha d a child like mind, and thought that g\having friends was meant that i was bein

When Domestic Violence Hurts

How many do you know have been victims of domestic violence?  It is quite sad that the numerical statistics keep going up?  I am troubled by the number of women that have died as a result of violence.  Yesterday I had a chance to sit down with a young woman who is living in a nightmare, and is a victim of domestic violence. *Jenna, lives in a small apartment with her two young sons,  Her boyfriend *Alan also lives in the home with the family.  During my visit he was not in the home.  Jenna was very nervous to talk to me in fact she was very scared, and almost had a change of heart about our conversation.  The kids are very young, and have no idea the type of pain that their mom was facing.  It was quite clear to me that this young girl needed some help and advice, The fact is that there are many women that have been victims of domestic violence, and many have lost their lives because of these types of crimes.  Do you know that the average young girl has been in at least two abusive


The Lord knows all about the issues that I face in my life. He is aware of every ache and pain that I have endured through the years. God has seen my thoughts before I made plans to utter a word. God knows when I am getting ready to cry, and he has seen the moments where I was ready to give up. Nobody knows your journey, or the plans that the Lord has made for your life. You and I can be in the same room for days, but we both have different assignments. Our visions are different, but we are both made by God. He has perfect knowledge of man, and he knows all about what he is going to do for you. The scripture says "O Lord You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all of my ways." Psalm 139:1-3. You do not have to feel like you are alone. God has known you from the point of conception. He knew what color eyes would be , and ye

The Vision In My Perspective

I believe that life is what you make of it. I am a very optimistic person, and outgoing individual. I have a strong zeal for God, and life. That means that I am a divine creation of my Father. Life is a precious treasure, and time has its own value. I will enjoy life to the fullest, because we only get one life to live. I love writing, music, and poetry. Love is a four letter word, but the message is universal. Learning to appreciate what I have before me is being grateful, and not taking things for granted. Self actualization is knowing that I can achieve my highest goals. Having confidence is accepting myself the way I am, and loving what God has created me to be. Faith is the substance of all things hoped for, and my hope is in Him that died on the cross for me. I love all my brothers and sisters near and far, and I plan to carry my message around the world. My motto is believe and you shall receive. My goal and desire is to bring a different perspective of Christian writ

Smile (Praise) Your Way Through It

Has the doctor given you a bad report?  Are you constantly suffering from anxiety, and worrying about life?  Sometimes life can get a little out of control, and it can be overwhelming.  In the Bible Jesus says "Do not let your hearts be troubled."  John 14:1  Not only can we believe in Jesus, but we can also smile or praise our way through any circumstance.  When you read and meditate on the word of God it can bring you comfort and joy.  Praying and talking to the Father can allow release of negative emotions.  It can generate feelings of love, warmth, comfort, and elation of the spirit.  Look at this scripture in the book of Isaiah 41:10 says "So do not fear,for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  How comforting it is to hear these words from our loving Father.  God is a refuge in a time of trouble.  I know that the storms of life can rage out of control, but

Faith and Doubt Can Not Go Hand In Hand

  Part of being a believer is having faith.  Faith can be seen as having total trust or, confidence in God.  2 Corinthians 4:13 says "It is written: I have believed, therefore I have spoken with the same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak."   As part f my life as a believer I am required to have faith.  It would be a total contradiction to have faith, and doubt that the word that will deliver me.  Hebrews 11:6 says "And without faith it will be impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and rewards those that earnestly seek him."  The heart and mind of the believer must be focused on the Word of God.  It is through his word that we will find what we are seeking.  The believer is perceived to be the recipient of rewards by the amount of faith that an individual has.  Galatians 2:20 says "I have been crucified with Christ and no longer live but Christ lives in me.  The life I live in the body I

The Calling of Motherhood

We have all been inspired by something at one time in our lives.  In the past I have written about many things, and have found many things to be interesting.  One thing that has inspired me the most is motherhood.  I believe that motherhood is a very high calling.  It may not be the only calling in a woman's life, but is very important in the life of a woman.  Mothers are teachers, role models, trainers, and keepers of their children.  Motherhood is one of the greatest blessings that have been bestowed upon women.  One of the most amazing events that happened in my life was giving birth to my children.  From that moment my life has gained more purpose and significance.  Psalms 113:9 says "He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children."  God was right on time with this scripture.  Some of my most happiest moments have been with my children.  I am in awe when I am around them.  They are truly amazing.  As their first teacher, and role model I alw

On Fire With The Word During The New Year

With each passing day all of my hope is renewed.  I have great expectations about each new day that God has given to me.  The past is behind me , and is nothing more than a memory.  My mind is set on my goals, and focused on the future before me.  I have always known that God had plans for my life.  Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Hallelujah, God wants me to prosper, and he will order my footsteps in His Word!!!  Psalms 119:133 says "Direct my footsteps according to your word;let no sin rule over me."  God has plans for each of us, and he wants all of us to prosper in life. This year I am on fire with the word, and I am on fire for Jesus.  I am asking the Lord to let me walk in more love.  I want him to create in me a clean heart.  In Ezekiel 36:26 God said "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you."  I thank t


In the name of Jesus I pray that we can gain knowledge, and truth about the Word of God. Father some are confused, and they don't know what to believe. They want to pray, but don't know how. They may believe in you, but they need direction. My prayer is that all men, women, and children will come to know you as Father, God, and King. Here are a list of scriptures from the word that deals with prayer. May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. Psalm 141:2 Hear my prayer, O Lord; listen to my cry for mercy. Psalm 86:6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. Philippians 4:6 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer. Psalm 6:9 Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6 Ask and it will be gi