Shall We Be Divided?


 What happens when Love Goes Wrong

We have all seen the results of love when it goes wrong.  In this hour we all stand as witnesses when the love of God is missing in our world.  In the mist of leadership you can seen, and bear witness to the lack of a God kind of love.  Division in the people, in which the Bible states there shall be no division among us, yet the world is a witness of how a lack of love has been generated.  Our division can be seen in Black and White, or a separation of. Plot.  It can seen politically, or in a separation of political beliefs.  You can even see the division in socioeconomic status.  The rich does not mingle with the poor.

It was Jesus who became poor for our sake, so that we may be rich.  It says the Sin of man, and the Son of God had no place to lay his head, yet he sacrificed himself so that We may be made whole and free, yet our people from every corner is self loathing in hate, division, and mockery.  How can God be pleased with us as a people?  Was his first command for us to love one another?

As we take a look at this topic you can see unity among those that stick together.  As white extremist gathered on the steps of the capital you can see the police holding hands with the protesters, but you can clearly see them waiting for black people with army tanks.  Can you see the division among how groups are treated in the same place.

How is is fair when people promote division?  When someone die we all should mourn for we are all God’s children.  Not one hair should be harmed on the head of a man, woman, or child’s head.  God’s commandment says do not shed innocent blood, yet we have found so many times that blood has been shedded without remorse or forgiveness. Until next time May God bless you with peace and prosperity.


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