Remembering My First Love

It has been a long time since I have written anything.  Being weighed down by distractions had me forget about my first love.  In the beginning God said "I place the barren woman in her home as a mother of children.". That is what he done for me.  I am another of four, and I have had the pleasure of watching them grow up.  Parenting adult ate very different, and the the lesson learned ate more in depth.  As mother's we transition from nursery rhymes to deep talks.

For a moment I have found myself a little lost.  As the children have gotten older I can let go a little, and have more time to myself.  I have no more diapers days, and have a little extra time to breathe.  I'm still navigating the teen years for my youngest daughter, and we are managing her final year of high school.

Okay, letts go back a minute to me forgetting my first love.  Writing is my love, and I haven't done it in a long time.  I kinda put it away for a while.    Moe I have a desire to write again.  I love it.  It is a part of who I am.  There is a lesson in everything I have written.

This reminds me of all the people may have forgotten about God.  Even I have been distracted by "other" things.  I'm sure God has watched me as I have stumbled over a prayer, or I have become irritated by not having enough time to finish y task.  How many times have I been overly hasty, and rushed through my list of things to do.  

God does not want us to rush, nor does he want our half prayers.  Yes, God want us to pray, but he wants our prayers to be heartfelt, and sincere.  God is our first love, and our source.  He is El Shaadi.  

It is such a pleasure to be back with my first love.  Being reunited feels so good.  It is so easy to get lost in distractions, but those distractions help us to remember the important things that matter.  Until next time have peace and prosperity.


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