
Showing posts from February, 2019

I Am Not On A Diet But I Do Have A Plan

This year I have made a pact with myself that I will finally lose the weight that I  have been trying to drop for the last few years.  About two years ago I had started a weight loss journey where I had lost aprroximately 85 pounds.  Since that point I have been up and down on the scale.  I have still maintained an exercise routine where I walk, and do strength training, but there is something left to be desired. Lately I have not been ssatisfied with my weight.  Do not get me wrong I have made peace with myself, and I love the woman in the mirror, but... I still see a need to change for the better.  Last week I think I did research on several diets, and I have looked at the latest forms of excersise.  I will admit that I am actually excited about changing my life. Isaiah 43:19 says "See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the wilderness and streams i the wasteland."  Sometimes in our lives we have to do a new thing,

Change Has To Happen

Praise the Lord what a blessing it is to be alive today.  It is such a pleasure to bring you hope, motivation, and encouragement.  I am making some new changes to my web blog, and I hope to bring content that will be a great motivation in the lives of people.  I want to change the parameters of certain subjects, and things that are taking place in the commnunity, and in the world.  Below is a post that I feel is still speaking to those who he read the Words.  I hope that this will reasonate in your Spirit.  God bless you and I will see you next time. Have you ever had to look in the mirror, and make some tough decisions about yourself?  Hey, listen I have been doing this lately with myself.  Talking about a sister in need of a reality check I have been on the positive affirmations, meal plan, exercise, and been very aggressive about business, school and ministry goals. The piece that I have written below has taken me back to an earlier time when I had first started to make changes

Even In Barreness There IS a Miracle

For the past few days we have been dealing with barreness, and how the  unfruitful can become fruitful and multiply.  On yesterday we had taken a look at how God can turn lack into favor.  This series was meant for the women that have been praying for a child, but it can also be applied to other areas of your life.  Within this series we have heard, and taken a look at the stories of Sarah and Hannah.  Today I would like to talk about Elizabeth and Rachael, and I would like to share my own story of barreness. I guess I have chosen these women, because they had a real issue that they had been aware of.  They all had a desire to be mothers, and I know that they were righteous  and godly women.  In the case of Elizabeth she is the mother of John the Baptist.  She was the wife of Zachariah, and she was barren.  Elizabeth was 88 years old when she was blessed with her son. Rachael is another woman in the Bible that suffered with infertility.  She was the wife of Jacob, and the mother of

How Lack Can Turn Into Favor

  Yesterday I had started a series that has been talking about the barreness of the womb.  In fact I shared a story about Sarah, and how she had dealt with infertility, and being a barren woman. Just to recap on what has been written.  To be barren means to be infertile. unfruitful, or desolate.  In this case we are talking about barreness, or unable to have children.  The story of Sarah has really touched my heart, as I was one that was once barren, but God has sense opened my womb, and blessed me with four children. Today I would like to continue our topic, and touch on the story of Hannah. I was so inspired by the stories of this woman that my first daughter has the name of  Hannah.  If you remember the story of Hannah, you know that her story is very unique.  She was the wife of a man named Elkanah, and she had become the mother of Samuel.  In Samuel 1 where the story of Hannah begins, you can see why her story is so unique.  Just like Sarah, Hannah was a faithful, and devoted

VIRTUOSITY MINISTRIES: The Barren Shall be FRUITFUL and Multiply

VIRTUOSITY MINISTRIES: The Barren Shall be FRUITFUL and Multiply : Today I would like to minister to the women that have been yearning for a child.  I want to share some of my journey into  motherhood, and w...

The Barren Shall be FRUITFUL and Multiply

Today I would like to minister to the women that have been yearning for a child.  I want to share some of my journey into  motherhood, and what the scriptures say about some of the women in the Bible that was in direct contact with the Creator when they had given birth to their miracle babies. To be barren means to be unproductive, infertile, unfruitful, and desolate.  In the Bible there were several woman that had to deal with being barren, but today I will talk about three.  At a time in theese women's lives God had chosen to close the wombs of these women.  Again their wombs has been considred to be desolate, and very infertile.  These women of the Bible suffered from infertility. Back in these days there was no such thing as fertility treatments, and there were no such things as IVF, and egg transfers.  In the case of Sarah she is one of the first women that had a surrogate to carry a child for her.  Unlike women today the women in the Bible did not have access to medical t

Keep Hope Alive in Your Life

Keep hope Alive Sometimes it feels like all hope is gone You may feel like throwing in the towel But there is something inside That is telling you to keep hope alive You may cry It may hurt You may shed tears late in the night The storm may be raging But keep hope alive Bills may be due The children may be rebellious And out of control The doctor’s report may have been bad But remember to keep hope alive It may look bleak And you feel like dying The thoughts in your head May tell you that it is over But always remember To keep hope alive You are not alone And you know that the Lord is there He will never leave nor forsake you Keep up your strength And keep hope alive It is worth the fight It is worth the journey It is worth everything that you have Always remember To keep hope alive This poe is for all of you that are going through a situation. Sometimes it is okay to cry, but you should not stay in a constant place of s