
Showing posts from March, 2016

WE are the Same Yet We Are Different

We both bleed red, we both think thoughts, and we all have five senses.  We both walk, talk, eat, breathe, and share the same air.  We inhabit the same earth, and we look at the same blue sky and bright sun. We walk the same path that has led us to different locations, and different destinies, yet we are all created equal and free to give, share, and spread LOVE.

Weekend Inspiration

Happy Easter to all of you out there. I hope that your Sunday is going well.  Here is my latest video log enjoy!!! New pics from my weight loss journey.

There is Power In your Positive Affirmations

What is positive affirmation?  Positive affirmation is a technique used to help program the subconscious mind.  It is used to bring about change by meditating, or repeating certain phrases.  Positive affirmations can be used to help change an individual's perspective or thought process.  We have the ability to use words to change the things that we believe. We can use the Word of God, or Scriptures to affirm things in our lives.  We can literally speak things into existence.  Proverbs 18:21 says "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."  Whatever you confess will manifest in your life.  What you believe will show up as a result of what you are thinking.  Developing a positive mindset can help bring change.  The outcome will be the manifestation of positive results. The confession of your words can bring the power of change.  What you say can affect your life.  As believers in Christ we have the ability to declare or comman

A Look Back

I would like to take a moment to thank the Lord for such a beautiful week.  It has been an amazing journey.  This week was very productive, and I had a chance to get plenty of work done.  The kids and I had a chance to hang out, and watch television.  We had a long lesson on Ephesians 6:1-2, and a list of academic lessons.  They learned about the importance of prayer, and being kind to other people.  Every week I try to emphasis the importance of a good attitude, and having good manners. As I was sitting in my back yard I had a chance to just breathe in the fresh air.  Despite the fact that the south really heats up this time of year, I had a moment just to see all of the beauty that God created.  I am not talking about nothing that is man made, but the things that God created,  I had a chance to gaze at the trees, and look at the clouds in the sky.  I looked at the beautiful green grass, and realized how blessed I am. When I see my children playing outside their laughter melts my

Being Thankful and Growing in My Destiny

As I look around the classroom in my home I am in awe of what the Lord has done.  It is His mighty power, and grace that has kept me over the years.  I am thankful not because I am forced to, but because I am a very blessed and kept woman of God. I know that I am nothing without the power of God.  With Him I know that I can do all things and know that I have triumphantly succeeded in every battle that I have ever faced.  With him I am more than a conqueror.  I am a hero in my own right.  Being a spiritual being made in the image of my Father sets me up on a higher standard of living. I thank God for the life that I live.  I thank the Lord for his love, mercy, and grace.  I may not have a mansion, but I thank God for the roof over my head.  I may not own a limo, but I thank the Lord for the car that I drive.  I may not wear designer clothes, but I thank the Lord for the clothes on my back.  Most of all I thank the Lord for His Son that died on cross for my sake.  It is my Father who

Redefine Me In 2016

One thing that I have learned in life is to be happy on a daily basis.  I know that there will be circumstances, situations, and problems that may arise, but I have teaching myself to be happy no matter what.  So when you feel "down in the dumps"  continue to smile, and know that trouble does not last always.

I AM expecting the Unexpected

I always tell my children to never give up on their dreams.  I want them to know that the sky is the limit when it comes to succeeding in this life.  I also want them to know that there will be storms that will come their way.  I am teaching them techniques, and ways to handle disappointment when it comes.  If I told them that life was going to be easy I would be setting them up for a world of disappointments and troubles. I have learned to smile through some of the most difficult moments in my life.  I had to smile while I waited to receive food at the local food bank.  I had to smile when I realized that my son became ill, and I had to smile when I had my surgery.  Some people ask me "How can you smile when your world is coming apart?"  I simply tell them "I know that God is working it all out."  Each day that I live I know that the Lord has something better planned for my life.  I can feel in my spirit that the Lord I is always there for me, and with that assur

Praise Break Music By The Minute

There is always a song to sing if God has blessed you.  Even if you don't have anything physical to show for it, you have your life.  That is enough to be thankful for.  This is going to be a great year let's get it!!

WE Are Not Designed To Give Up

I know that life can be hard sometimes, and it seems that no one understands the struggle.  There may be days that you want to question why things are going wrong.  You may be filled with doubt, and do not feel like smiling but let me offer you some encouragement.  There are a million reasons why you should be hopeful.  Most important above all God loves you with an unconditional love.  HE cares for you.  If you are reading this then that means that you are very much alive and well.  That is another reason that you should be happy.  God has blessed  you to be alive and among the living.  You may not feel it, but you are worth all of the love that God has placed on the inside of you.  It does not matter what you look like, or what your status may be WE are ALL children of GOD.  Be of good cheer today and no that God loves you.  Here is a scripture for you today.  "These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of

The Words That I Speak

I am so glad that I have chosen to go into business for myself.  When I first started this journey I had to pray for God's revelation.  I have been writing for over eighteen years, and always found it to be enjoyable experience.  Another thing in my life that I have found to be fulfilling is being a mother.  I think that this is the greatest role that God as given me.  I feel blessed and honored to be raising my children.  I am their first teacher, role model, and mentor.  Above all things I am a co creator of life.  I take great pride in teaching my children the Word of God, and helping them learn along their journey of life. Yesterday I was looking out of my living room window, and I heard a conversation that my daughter Hannah was having with a friend.  Apparently the friend was not being very nice to her mom, and I heard Hannah tell her about the scriptures that she is learning this week.  This week I am teaching from the scriptures of Ephesians 6:1-2. She told her friend &q