
Showing posts from May, 2014

Be Of Good Cheer

I know that life can be hard sometimes, and it seems that no one understands the struggle.  There may be days that you want to question why things are going wrong.  You may be filled with doubt, and do not feel like smiling but let me offer you some encouragement.  There are a million reasons why you should be hopeful.  Most important above all God loves you with an unconditional love.  HE cares for you.  If you are reading this then that means that you are very much alive and well.  That is another reason that you should be happy.  God has blessed  you to be alive and among the living.  You may not feel it, but you are worth all of the love that God has placed on the inside of you.  It does not matter what you look like, or what your status may be WE are ALL children of GOD.  Be of good cheer today and no that God loves you.  Here is a scripture for you today.  "These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace.  In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of

Mary Mary - Go Get It

This Is More Than A Company It is Apart of My Ministry

In the past few weeks I have been talking about my business, and what I want to offer women from all walks of life.  I have placed so much trust in God to help me make things happen, and I am confident that God will supply all the resources and provisions for this business to come to pass.  With every post I like to add a scripture that is very beneficial to what I am creating.  In the book of Habakkuk 2:2 it says "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that the herald may run with it. " (New International Version) To me this is more than a business, it is a part of my ministry.  I have always felt the calling to help and encourage single mothers.  As a child I was a part of a single parent home, and I had seen first hand the things that my mother had to experience.  And now that I am a single mother of four, I have experienced the highs and lows of single motherhood. When I think of all the things that I want to bring to girls and women, I think


Hello everybody welcome to the beginning of the week.  We are in the third week of May.  That means that we are almost in the summer season.  God has blessed me to be alive and well in the latter part of the Spring.  I was not too far from the tornado that came through the state last month.  I am thankful that God is still covering me with his mercy and grace. I am excited about my business, and I am looking forward to bringing products that I know women will love.  My business is for all women, but I founded the company with the single mother in mind.  I know that some single mothers are not able to afford clothing and jewelry, because they are too busy providing for their children.  "Afro By Design" is for the woman that wants to feel beautiful at affordable prices.  I will be selling real African products.  In the near future I will have dresses, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other items for women from all walks of life. I have learned that we cannot be afraid

One Step Closer to Starting Entrepreneurship God's Perfect Timing)

Hello everybody I hope that you are doing well on this beautiful day in May.  God is just blessing me to do some great things in life.  You know when I first started with the concept of a business idea, I was not sure what I really wanted to do.  In my early years as a homemaker I had plenty of time to sit, and think of the type of business that I had wanted to invest my time in. When my children were really small I had always known that I wanted to be home with them, and still have an income to take care of the household.  For the last five years I have been eager to get started with my business plans, and have discovered that God has given me several visions when it comes to entrepreneurship.  It has taken plenty of patience for me to get to this point.  Let me give a scripture to those that might be struggling with patience.  "And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary" (Galatians 6:9) The race is not always won by go


Being a mother is more than just wearing a title It is a calling  It is a job It is a blessing  That is bestowed upon all women it is more than just singing your children to sleep It is more than just reading them stories at bedtime What about  the moments: When your child was born When he/she babbled his/her first words What about the moment they walked for the first time Or they had an accident on the playground What about the first time you taught her how to ride her bike Or you cheered them on at their soccer game How about all the times that she was sick And wanted you to hold her hand  And feed her chicken soup You can remember every ceremony, ball game, dance, and everything that your child has done You look for every smile and every opportunity to be there for your children You are blessed as a mother I am blessed to be a mother Proverbs 31:10-30

A Week Long Tribute to Mother's Day

                                         Hello everyone I hope that you are enjoying the month of May.  Time is definitely moving, and it is not standing still.  I have been so busy with the children, and school until I have not had time to post like I want to.  I have just finished my final exams, and I passed with flying colors.  Being involved with the children has kept me busy.  I have some new ideas, and plan to take the blog to the next level.  I am looking to expand, and do a weekly audio blog.  God is giving me some awesome ideas, and I plan to carry through with what he has given to me.  I love to write!!  It is my first love, and I have been doing this for over twenty years. For the rest of the week I want to pay tribute to mothers everywhere.  I know that being a mom is a very demanding job, but it reaps the biggest rewards.  I have four beautiful children whom I am very proud of.  They have added something to my life, and have brought me so much joy.  It is a blessin