
Showing posts from October, 2013

An Atitude of Gratitude

Last week I had one of the biggest scares in my life.  It was last Tuesday morning, and it was a typical day in our household.  I had awakened at 5:00 a.m., and prepared myself for the day.  The kids had been awakened at 6:00 a.m., and they were in their usual mood.  We went through our normal routine, and had fun during the morning of preparations.  I never end the morning routine without a word of prayer.  Like always we hug and kiss and say our goodbyes. After the children had gone I had a sense of peace from the morning prayer.  There was nothing unusual going on so I had continued with my normal routine.  At around 7:30 the neighbor was ringing the doorbell. She had her oldest daughter by her side, and her eyes were filled with tears.  She said " I am not trying to scare you, but a lady just called me, and reported that a man has our babies held hostage on the bus."  My jaw dropped in dismay , and I was scared out of mind.  Tears had started to flow, and I lost my tr

Desiring to Make a Change

For many years now I have been trying to reach a healthy weight.  I will confess that I have tried every diet known to man.  I have joined the gym numerous times in the past, with the intent to get the body that I have often dreamed of.   Some things that I have done have been successful, but other attempts have failed.  I will say that a lack of motivation has made it extremely difficult to stay on a diet, and I feel that it has been a mistake to be on one.  One day I had to examine myself,  and find out what the Bible had to say about self discipline.  It is a fact that I am the one that has to control my food intake.  I have to look in the mirror, and feel comfortable with my body.  At some point I knew I needed to make a change. Earlier this year I had a made up mind to change my life, and gain control of my  health.  Instead of being on the dieting yo yo, I have made some permanent lifestyle changes.  These changes have given me some amazing results, and new ideas about how I

When There Seems to Be No Way Out

I know that there are times in your life that you simply don't know what to do.  You constantly look for ways to ease the pain that you are feeling.  You forgot that today would have been your 15th anniversary, but you divorced several years ago.  Friends and family do not seem to understand why you have not remarried, or at least dated a little.  You want to get out and mingle, but you are terrified of loving someone again, in fear that he/she may hurt you.  The children insist that you get out of the house to go watch a movie, but you are consumed with the idea that you have to take care of them 24/7.  It is hard for you to let go of the idea that the kids are getting older, and you can relax a little bit.  It is around nine in the morning, and you have been contemplating about your life,  you have examined every inch of yourself, and every aspect of yourself.  You have looked up and down for a solution, and have felt the anxiety of what you have been thinking.  It seems like

Something that Made Me Think

In some parts of the world many people are dying.  The very things that we may take for granted are the things that someone else may need to survive.  Something as simple as a plate of food, or a cup of water.  I was watching television last night, and I saw a commercial that touched my heart.  A group of small children were huddled around a water well.  They were holding cups waiting for a glass of fresh water.  I could tell that they were thirsty, and in need of a cool drink.  The missionary said that some people walk seven miles just to obtain water for that day. I thank God for providing all of my needs, and I pray that he will provide for them as well.    Blessed are those who have regard for the weak the Lord delivers them in times of trouble The Lord protects and preserves them they are counted among the blessed of the land he does not give them over to the desires of their foes The Lord sustains them on their sick bed and restores them from their illness. P

Smile Because Greater is Coming

I always tell my children to never give up on their dreams.  I want them to know that the sky is the limit when it comes to succeeding in this life.  I also want them to know that there will be storms that will come their way.  I am teaching them techniques, and ways to handle disappointment when it comes.  If I told them that life was going to be easy I would be setting them up for a world of disappointments and troubles. I have learned to smile through some of the most difficult moments in my life.  I had to smile while I waited to receive food at the local food bank.  I had to smile when I realized that my son became ill, and I had to smile when I had my surgery.  Some people ask me "How can you smile when your world is coming apart?"  I simply tell them "I know that God is working it all out."  Each day that I live I know that the Lord has something better planned for my life.  I can feel in my spirit that the Lord I is always there for me, and with that assur