
Showing posts from June, 2013

I Have To Start From The Beginning

Lord as I spread my wings to fly I look to you for understanding I look to you for guidance I look to you for instruction You are the great Jehovah Yahweh You are El Olam You are the Prince of Peace I will place my trust in you You are God and I love you Watch over me and keep me safe I know I have to start this race I will run this race with a glad heart I will run this race with joy When I am faced with challenges I will still praise you Lord You are the Great I am You are Jehovah Jirah You are God My daughter Hannah has been consistent in her drawing and sketching.  She is determined to be an artist.  She said "Mommy will I become a great painter if I keep practicing?"  I told her she had to keep practicing, and everything had a starting place. I try to encourage my kids to do the best that they can, and I am impressed with Hannah's consistency and determination.  She has a developed a passion for the arts, and she has a designated time to work on

Weekend Reflections

I would like to take a moment to thank the Lord for such a beautiful week.  It has been an amazing journey.  This week was very productive, and I had a chance to get plenty of work done.  The kids and I had a chance to hang out, and watch television.  We had a long lesson on Ephesians 6:1-2, and a list of academic lessons.  They learned about the importance of prayer, and being kind to other people.  Every week I try to emphasis the importance of a good attitude, and having good manners. As I was sitting in my back yard I had a chance to just breathe in the fresh air.  Despite the fact that the south really heats up this time of year, I had a moment just to see all of the beauty that God created.  I am not talking about nothing that is man made, but the things that God created,  I had a chance to gaze at the trees, and look at the clouds in the sky.  I looked at the beautiful green grass, and realized how blessed I am.  When I see my children playing outside their laughter melts my

Inspiration On Another Level

Okay I have decided to go into business for myself, and will be self publishing all of my books, poetry, and literary works.  I have been a freelance writer for the last eighteen years, and I love what I do.  During my journey I have found that my writing has become more meaningful.  As I think about my relationship with God, I have become a little more intimate with my gifts that he has given to me.  Sometimes what I write is more than just words, and I am sincere about everything that I say.  My writing is a platform for me to share the Word of God with people, and tell how good HE is to me and my family.  God had given me the vision for a writing business about ten years ago when I was much younger.  At the time my first son was very young, and I was doing freelance writing while I was home with him.  In the past I have had mentors that have guided me on the journey of writing, and I love them so much for all of their insights.  I have been going through a process to make this vis

God Has Got It All Under Control

If we trust in the Lord why do we worry?  God has promised in his word that he will do exactly what he says he will do.  In the mist of adversity I have found myself worrying about the final result.  I had to learn to trust God with all that I have.  In the book of Matthew 6:26-27 says "Look at the birds of the air, they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than them?  Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?" Because God has given us assurance through his word we have a guarantee that he will never leave nor forsake us.  With the economy spiraling out of control, many people are worrying about their financial future.   Many have stressed themselves out, because of the images of the world.  Thank God that he gives us his love.  Exodus 33:14 says "My presence will go with you and I will give you rest."  God is the creator, and he has known us from conception I doubt t

Quality Time With The Children

Happy Summer everyone!!  Welcome to the beginning of summer.  You know one the most precious things about being a mom is watching your children grow.  Every step that they make will add footprints in the heart of their mom.  Today I have enjoyed some really cool activities with the children.  We had a fun time doing yoga.  Usually when I am working out, I consider that to be a quiet moment for me.  Today I spent some quality time with my daughter Keara.  She had insisted that we spend a few moments together.  She said "Mommy can we do yoga?  I want us to work out together."   In the mist of the day I had a list of chores that needed to be done, but I had to make time for my daughter.  I am glad that I made that decision.  I do not want my children to feel that I am too busy for them.  Despite all of the work that I had to do ,my children will always come first.  I think that activities can be fin for both moms and children. Before I go I would like to give you a word of e

Summertime At A Glance

Hey everyone welcome to the  month of June!!  Another month has passed, and the summer is finally here.  Moms, that means that the kids are home for their vacation.:)  Like most busy moms I have prepared my chore wheel, and the lesson plans for the summer.  It has been known fact that children will forget some of the information that they have learned over the school year.  To keep my children on track I have decided to home school during the summer months.  With a combination of academics and Bible lessons I think that the kids will gain a new perspective on education.  I will not push them while they are on vacation, but I do want to encourage them that knowledge is good.  I have some trips planned.  We will visit the library on a weekly basis, and we will visit some museums.  Hannah will get a chance to attend an art camp, and see some art exhibits.  We will see a few games at the ball park, and take the sights of the city,  I know that this is  going to be an exciting two months