In What Kingdom Do You Sow Your Seed?


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In what Kingdom do you sow your seed?

One can never work in a hospital and go to the church where he or she do not work and ask them to pay for the salaries. No it can never been done.Where a cow works that is were it grazes.  Many so called Christians today when you talk of supporting the work of God they turn their backs.  But they can spend their money in the things that does not give glory to God.  After you will see them saying God save me.  Why must God save you when you do not work for him.  It is only when a servant serves his master,then the master will save him or her.  Not only serving,  but you must serve well in order to be saved.
The bible gives an account of people who serves in the kingdom of God, and they have been saved by God by reaping the fruit of their labour.  If you refuse to sow you will never reap a  harvest that is the principle.That is to say if you do not work for the kingdom of God , you will not be allowed to step in there.
Proverbs 11:24-25,"There is one who scatters, yet increases more; and there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself."Genesis 8:22; God says there will be seed time and harvest as long as the earth remains. These words were spoken to Noah as he looked at the earth completely destroyed by the flood. In other words, God was letting him know he could start over with the seeds in his hand and create a beautiful world for him, and his family. If you are facing devastation; remember that you can begin to plant good seeds, and God will make them grow into an abundant harvest. WHAT TYPE OF SEED ARE YOU SOWING TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD?  HAVE YOU EVER GIVEN TO THE KINGDOM OF GOD?   THE BEST YOU HAVE EVER MADE IN LIFE?
Mark 4

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose hearts" Galatians 6:9.
WHAT WE SOW DETERMINES WHAT WE WILL REAP,God will not be mocked. This is an unchangeable principle designed to bless those who live in God's kingdom. " He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully"
2 Corinthians 9:6
His promise is to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus  Phil. 4:19 THIS VERY PROMISE IS NOT FOR ALL, BUT FOR THE TRUE SERVANTS THAT SERVES WELL
Examine yourself if you are sowing your seed at the right time and at the right place.

This is an article that was written by Herbert Onyeka Shalon. 


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