
Showing posts from 2024

Self Care

 Today is a self care day.  A day to set back, and take care of your inner person.  Internally we are being renewed day by day.  While, the outer man is perishing we are getting better on the inside.  It says in the WORD that we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind, while the world says that we should be turned on by things that do not help our growth.   The mind needs stimulation, and knowledgeable to expand the depths of human understanding.  Self care is a way to expand a deeper understanding of self.  I have a daily routine that includes a consistent regimen of self care.  This regimen has been design to happen regardless of what is going on.  Taking care of me has a guarantee that I can do what called has called me to do, and it sho es a source of self love that every individual needs for himself/herself.   My routine has become a part of my day.  Tomorrow on the blog I will talk about my routine, and why it is so important to have consistency.  Until next time may Go

People Have A Choice

 I woke up in the early light.  I was sitting in my room, and a thought came to my mind.  When you are a priority in an individual s life he/she will fight for you.  If the person truthful cares they will move heaven, and earth to see you happy. The best way to tell if someone really loves you is to have a situation that requires care.  If that person can watch you struggle it is possible that he/she doesn't love you.  No one should go days without hearing your voice.  In fact I have to hear from my love multiple times even if it means sending a quick text.  I call it constant contact.  I want an individual to know I will always have your back, and letting you know I'm here for you will never be an issue. I know sometimes a job, plans, appointment, and life in general can make us crazy busy, but we must make time for the people we love.  Yes, that means finding time to pray.  If we love God he should be included in our lives.  He should be a part of our daily routine.  Life req

In the Kitchen Wednesdays

 Today I was in the kitchen redid overing my live for cooking.  Today I played around with the dumpling.  Yes, this Southern Belle can cook.  Today, I have nomade dumplings fory beans and it was delicious.  I had spicy beans, and rice, and nothing was left. The children are all grown up, but I still love the kitchen.  Every Wednesday on the blog I will select a recipe to cook.  I will feature easy recipes that is easy on the wallet, but is rich in taste.   I know cooking, children, and home making.  It's going to be a real treat bringing good food ideas your way    Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.

Shall We Be Divided?

    What happens when Love Goes Wrong We have all seen the results of love when it goes wrong.  In this hour we all stand as witnesses when the love of God is missing in our world.  In the mist of leadership you can seen, and bear witness to the lack of a God kind of love.  Division in the people, in which the Bible states there shall be no division among us, yet the world is a witness of how a lack of love has been generated.  Our division can be seen in Black and White, or a separation of. Plot.  It can seen politically, or in a separation of political beliefs.  You can even see the division in socioeconomic status.  The rich does not mingle with the poor. It was Jesus who became poor for our sake, so that we may be rich.  It says the Sin of man, and the Son of God had no place to lay his head, yet he sacrificed himself so that We may be made whole and free, yet our people from every corner is self loathing in hate, division, and mockery.  How can God be pleased with us as a people? 

A Caregiver Prayer

 Dear Lord  Give me a compassionate heart  Let me love in the purest form of my heart  Let me seek your righteousness  While I'm providing care Let my loved one See you  Through my eyes Let my light Shine For the whole world to see Let my daily walk  Show your love towards us ALL people deserve your love We are ALL your children Give us this day our daily bread  In Jesus name  Amen

Prayer for Monday

Dear Lord  Thank you for this new week Give me the strength  To endure What may come my way Let this week be full love  Prosperity and peace Let my heart be receptive  For all that you may have for me In Jesus name  Amen

Remembering My First Love

It has been a long time since I have written anything.  Being weighed down by distractions had me forget about my first love.  In the beginning God said "I place the barren woman in her home as a mother of children.". That is what he done for me.  I am another of four, and I have had the pleasure of watching them grow up.  Parenting adult ate very different, and the the lesson learned ate more in depth.  As mother's we transition from nursery rhymes to deep talks. For a moment I have found myself a little lost.  As the children have gotten older I can let go a little, and have more time to myself.  I have no more diapers days, and have a little extra time to breathe.  I'm still navigating the teen years for my youngest daughter, and we are managing her final year of high school. Okay, letts go back a minute to me forgetting my first love.  Writing is my love, and I haven't done it in a long time.  I kinda put it away for a while.    Moe I have a desire to write ag