
Showing posts from November, 2021

The God Kind of Love

  There is nothing greater than a God kind of  love.  I am a true witness that God’s love is pure, and a kind that cannot be denied by the world.   I truly had a pleasure reading this chapter, because God’s love excites my Spirit.  God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son.  What a beautiful expression of love. Just imagine if the world could grasp the concept of love the way God had intended.  If all of us could and would love the way God loves.  The world would be a better place. I keep hearing in my Spirit For God so loved the world.  That means God will love us through anything.  There is nothing that can keep us from the love of God.   It say in our reading that love endures forever.  It says that love is long suffering, and that love is patient.  Thank God He is love.  God’s first command was for us to love one another.  We are to keep the command that God has given us.  Love keeps no number of wrongs.  With a kind of love we should know how to forgive.  It says t

Communing With The Holy Spirit

  Speaking in tongues is a secret language, and a gift that has been given as a gift by God.  Often times I have thought that speaking in tongues as a personal intimate conversation between the Spirits.  It is our secret weapon that the enemy has no place of understanding what is being said.  It is a “powerhouse” language that serves us through speaking and prayer.   Most times we have no control of what the spirit will have us utter.  There have been times that I had to deeply pray, and speak in the Spirit of tongues.  Through deep meditation I have asked God to speak to my Spirit.  The end result has varied.  I have had times where the Spurit has deeply touched my heart, and there would be tears, words spoken in tongues, and there have been times where the Spirit of God has fallen upon me and tongues had been spoken involuntarily.   In my opinion I think that speaking, and praying in tongues are one in the same since both require the Spirit of God to intervene on our behalf.   I call

God The Father

 Sometimes I think silence is truly golden.  Words that have not been spoken can be louder than a mega speech.  So are the days that I have come to know God on a more intimate level.  Today was one of those days that I had a need to be in God's presence.  I had a great desire to be saturated in his Word. Early this morning as I was driving on the freeway , my daughter captured a beautiful picture of the river.  The sun was shining on the water.  Within it's calm state it made me think about the goodness of God, and the peace that he provides. There is so much going on in the world today.  Everything seems chaotic, and we can't turn a blind eye to things in the world.  This piece that I am writing is called The Still Living Waters of God Sometimes life can get loud, and it can get rough.  We get to a place that we start to hunger, and thirst, but we don't find anything to quench and satisfy those needs. Most of us have everything that money can buy, but we still have tha

Prayer for Thursday

Dear LORD Thank you for such a beautiful day LORD I know that I can complain But I would rather give thanks to you LORD I thank you for  my life I thank you for you for my children I thank you for my health and strength I tank you for what you have given unto me I thank you my Father For being in my corner You are the giver of life You are the Alpha And you are the Omega You are Omnipotent You are Omnipresent Many believe the way that they have been taught Many believe in the Universe But My LORD I believe in the one that has made the Universe You are in my heart There is no greater love Like the one that you have provided And I will you LORD For the rest of my days And for all eternity Thank you Jesus I thank you Amen Check out my latest podcast link above

Prayer for Wednesday

 Dear Lord  I am grateful and thankful for you I give honor to you  For you have kept me In the mist of all things I can lift my hands and say  That you are my rock  You are my healer On this day I ask for you To bless everybody  Everywhere  God we all need you Thank you Father For life For mercy and grace Amen 

Dealing With Rejection

  In our readings we are discussing how to heal from rejection, and how to rebuild after all the pain and destruction.  It mentions the story of Israel, and how they were in the wilderness.  It also speaks how the cankerworm, and the locusts ate everything in the land.   Just like in our lives things like sorrow, hurt, pain, and fear can eat up all our joy and happiness.  But, it says we can rebuild the broken walls of our life, and God will give back our years that we lost during our time of sadness.   I am hearing that God will do a new thing in our lives.  All the barrenness and desolation shall turn into fruitfulness and prosperity.  There shall be gladness instead of mourning, and there shall be a release of shackles to set free the captive.   Glory God will release us from the shame of rejection.  I can remember all of the times that people tried to humiliate me, and I had to live through it.  Our readings say that God will give and restore things even from the past.  What a grea


  Ah the good old spirit of intercession, and the ability to pray to the God of heaven.  As saints we are to pray fervently, frequently, and full of the Holy Spirit.   In the Spirit of prayer we may utter words from the spirit that the natural mind may not be able to comprehend.  There have been times that I was drunk with the Spirit that I had poured my very heart out to God.  The day that the Spirit moves with such intensity that is when we speak what is unknown to man, but is known to God.  In my own words that is a heavy communication between the spirits. Many prayers have been answered through the speaking of tongues and prayer.  I am a firm believer that God answers prayers.  We have our natural prayers, but there is something about the realm of the Spirit.  There are three baptisms that have been mentioned in our texts.  There is the baptism of repentance, water, and Holy Spirit.  It is explained how we can receive the gift of the Spirit.  I can distinctly remember when I first