
Showing posts from March, 2021

Yes What Are You Waiting For

 It hurts me to see so many people walking around without love.  You can literally go on the streets and see the lack of love.  You walk past people, and no one will speak or wave.  It is like a movie in reality type situation.  People are quick to lash out especially if you mention God. Many or blaming others for the problems that are going on in the world.  I am making it a habit, and I say God help me take my eyes off of the problem, and let me be a part of the solution.  People are so cold and callous in their hearts.  They really don’t know how to love.  Even in society as people we have been taught that all things must fit in a box to make sense.  Well, I am definitely different, and not part of the norm.  I can’t be placed in a box.   God is doing a new thing in my life.  It just doesn’t sit well with me to try and fit in a circle.  Hod has and will use all types of people for his purpose.  I dare to be different, and accept I am not for everybody.  One thing I do know is I am r

Life what a Beautiful Thing

 Rise and Shine everybody.  What a great day to be alive.  On yesterday I talked about the newness of the season.  Well, here we are in a new day.  I thank God for another day, and another opportunity.   God has given us this day to do a new thing.  He has opened the windows of heaven to do a new thing in our lives.  To give us a new blessing, and show us new tender mercies, and extend time for us to serve our purpose. I feel like dancing for the Lord today.  It is so beautiful outside today.  The Bible says in Isaiah 43:19. See, I am doing a new thing!      Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness      and streams in the wasteland. ( Today is your day for a miracle, blessing, or just a chance to be happy.  What will you choose to do with your time today?  Who will you choose today?  Jesus is...  until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.

Behold All Things Are New

 Behold all things are new, and the seasons have changed.  New things are being created, and old things are passing away.  Sometimes we fail to embrace the new, because we are afraid of letting go of what is comfortable.   Imagine standing in a field of flowers, and you want to skip and just enjoy the view.  You notice something on one flower, and decide the whole field is contaminated. You may miss the opportunity to admire the beauty of all the flowers.   During this time of year all things are made new, and behold God is doing a new thing.  He is changing the season.  I’m my eyes Spring is beautiful.  It is fresh, clear, new, and it is a season of renewal. Not only is God doing a new thing in the seasons, he is also doing a new thing in our lives.  He is healing brokenness, pain, diseases, and he is healing our sicknesses.   My testimony I was once shattered into so many pieces , but God came , and placed me back together again.  The thing about the dark seasons is they do not last