Looking At Women in Ministry

For many years there have been questions about women in church, and the call that they may have in ministry. Some denominations forbid women to lead despite the advancement of women in ministry.

Today, I will examine, and explain what I have learned from reading The
Woman Question by Dr.Kenneth E. Hagin The Woman Question deals with the perplex issues of women speaking in the church. It deals with the fundamental questions of doctrine and practices in different denominations.

Dr.Hagin has enlightened us on what the scriptures say about women speaking, preaching, and teaching in the church.
Let us look at a few fundamental questions that Dr. Hagin has discussed in his book.
Questions like should a woman speak in church? Should she submit to her husband? How should a woman dress when she is in church? These are just a few questions that has been asked
over the years.  In the book Dr. Hagin points us to the scriptures in 2 Timothy 2:9-11. It says that “ Women should dress with decency and propriety.” Paul continues to explain that a woman should be able to learn in quietness and submission. (2 Timothy 2:11). It also says that a woman should not teach, or have authority over a man. She must be silent. (2 Timothy 2:12) If we look t the book of Acts 2:17 it says “I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and
daughters will prophesy.” “Even my servants both men and women. I will pour out my spirit in those days.” ((Acts 2:18)
Dr Hagin has brought forth scriptures that many women has faced in the church. They have overcame many obstacles, and stereotypes related to religion and dogma.
The days of women sitting quietly in church is long gone, and many have been called by God to operate in
the five fold ministry.

She, the woman has been chosen , and called by God. She now holds an
apostolic office.  She prophesies to the masses with grace, and she pastors the sheep that God has placed in her
care.   She teaches feeding the sheep, and instructing the church with the wisdom that God has given in the Bible.

My understanding has been intensified as I have read this book. It has taken off some of the stipulations that has been placed on women. It lessens the prejudiced that has been placed in
denominationalism. It grips the reader with an impact of a religious viewpoint of a woman's place is in the church.

The book points out that Eve was taken from man's side, and not his feet. That means  that she is a man's equal, and not to be beneath him in any way. Being submissive to one's own husband is a requirement, and a woman must make a choice while she is in her wifehood.

In this generation women are stepping out, and being bold for the Lord. Some of them are standing beside their husbands, and working together in ministry.   Other women are deeply
involved in the kingdom of God, and helping to build up the body of Christ. In conclusion I commend Dr. Hagin for such an exceptional view on the woman, and her place in the church. The way she dresses, how she submits, and her calling has been uniquely set
in the will of God the Father.


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