Five Fold Ministry

From my understanding, the five fold ministry is like a hand representing the body of Jesus Christ.  There are five offices that have been recognized to carry out the important job of caring for the people in the Kingdom of God.

The Apostle represents the thumb of the hand.  It is first of the offices in five fold ministry.  From my understanding the Apostle governs the body of Christ.  The main job of the Apostle is to oversee multiple churches, make sure that they grow and reach a level of maturity.  The Apostle has a role in training, and equipping other believers for acts of service. Apostles have been known to make disciples.
Prophets represent the point finger on the hand of five fold ministry.  Prophets can foretell things that are to come. They also give guidance to the body of Christ.  Prophets give guidance, representation, and interpretation. They often give guidance to the people, interpret events, and have had messages from God.  Some prophets have the gift to predict end time prophecy through the scriptures in the Bible.
Evangelists represent the middle finger on the hand of five fold ministry.  They are basically known to create converts. From what I have learned Evangelist go out into the world preaching the Word of God, and gather people into the kingdom of God.  Most of the Evangelists that I have seen hold crusades, and tent meetings.
Pastors represent the ring finger on the hand of five fold ministry.  They are known as shepherds of the church. The job of the pastor is to make sure the body is equipped.  They also make sure the sheep (believers) are fed spiritually with the Word of God. Multiple jobs have been given to pastors.  They have the job of correcting, protecting, and leading the people that are under his/her care.
Last, but not least on the hand of five fold ministry are teachers.  Teachers have the job of instructing the body of Christ. They teach us scriptures that have been revealed by the Word of God.  It mentions in our reading that “Prophets and teachers balance each other out in the body of Christ.” (World Reviving School, 2003).
Five Fold Ministry offices hold important jobs, and when working together they can edify the church.  Each have a significant unique role in the church, and holds a responsibility to how the church should be edified and operated.  No one job is greater than the other. The body needs all parts to be fully functional.
A call to the five fold ministry means that I will be a part of the hand that will lead the sheep.  Jesus was the greatest example of a shepherd, and he has shown us how to minister, correct, and edify the body of Christ.


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