
Showing posts from October, 2014

YES! This is my Moment

I have always believed that you should put your best foot forward.  Sometimes we have to step out on faith, and see where the Holy Spirit will lead us.  A will full of determination can go a long way.  I have learned that you can achieve your dreams if you let go of all the negativity.  It is easy for the enemy to come in, and try to defeat you.  It is his job to try, and destroy all of your dreams, desires, and goals.  The enemy will use all types of tactics to destroy you, but God is in control. I thank God for the daily renewing of my mind.  I would be in trouble for holding on to some of my old thoughts.  The Bible says  in the book of Romans 12:2 "   Do not conform  to the pattern of this world,  but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is —his good, pleasing  and perfect will."  (NIV) I am glad to say that my first book will be published, and ready for purchase October 25,2014.   I am very excit

It's Just One of Those Days

Well here we are at the week's ending, and another Friday that so  many of us rejoice over.  We look  forward to the day that we can kick up our feet and relax.  For me the weekend is an opportunity for me to reflect on what has happened during the week, and catch up on my writing. You know with the news of Ebola I can see that there are many people that are starting to panic, and that is a very bad situation.  The media has a way of making things seem more out of control than it may be.  Do not get me wrong.  It is good to stay informed, but it is not good to just focus on the bad things.  I was reading an article that said the Ebola virus is expected to infect 1.4 million people.  When you think about it too long, that can cause quite a stir in some people.  When I was younger this type of news would terrify me, and I would almost pass out from panic and worry.  It was an awful site to my mom. Yes, I know that we are living in some perilous times, and not all of us claim Jesu

Being A Christian Mother, Dating and In a Relationship

Since my divorce it has been really difficult to date.  There are so many things to consider when you have children.  Life itself can be very "busy", and there is so much to do in one day.  When the thought of dating entered my mind I was totally confused about the concept.  This topic was not like one of my psychology classes,  I could not research this information.  I have always known that the day would come when I would enter into a new relationship. No matter how painful the break up was, or how bad the divorce have been, there comes a time when we have to learn to move on.  It has taken me several years to heal from my divorce, and I find it very difficult to open up about the pain that it has caused me and my children.  I will say that the process has been worth it ,but I will never forget how traumatizing this experience has been for my family. One reason why I am sharing my story, it may be able to help someone else who is in a similar situation.  For a long tim

This is My Prayer

Dear Lord tonight I am praying for the people in this world.   Lord there is so much going on I just thank you that I can live a Holy life I thank you that Jesus is my Savior God there is none like you Lord  We give you the praise O Lord You are mighty in battle And your power is awesome  There is trouble on every side And there are famines And  there are evil things that are in dark places But Lord we can count on you Jesus Thank you Lord for all that you have done My God you are so awesome I will not give up And I know that you will not fail All my praise belongs to the Lord For he is worthy of all that I have Some people have said that there is no God And I say that I am lover and servant of the Most High God Lord I pray that all will be well With every man, woman, and child I pray for the healing of the sick Lord you are Jehovah Rapha Able to do all things Lord you are God and we pray to you God That all will be well Thank you Lord Jesus A

What About Our Children?

It is a very early morning, and I am doing my normal routine of reading, and preparing for my day.  I look throughout the house, and notice that my children are sleeping soundly in their beds.  After reading all of today's headlines  I am amazed at how many stories can inspire, but even more amazed at the stories that can make you think. In the past I have read many stories that have made me respond, but in twenty years of writing I am very touched by the stories that affect children.  Lately I have been reading many heart breaking stories about children committing suicide, being bullied, and yes being abused.  All of these stories have touched my spirit, and have stirred my emotions on a very high level. I know that the world we live in has very little compassion, and most people have become very cruel.  It is not my place to judge, but it seems that our children are suffering in this world.  I am mother, advocate of children, and I am very upset about what is happening to our