
Showing posts from January, 2014


A long time ago I had the pleasure of meeting a young lady who had suffered from low self esteem and depression.  She very talented, and an exceptional young lady.  Like most young women I know she could not see what God had created in her.  She believed that her physical beauty was more important than what was on the inside. For years she had been tormented, and teased for what she looked like.  What she had experienced left her with emotional scars, and made her feel less valuable.  There are so many young girls that are suffering from low self esteem, low self confidence, and a low opinion of themselves.  As a teen I had issues with depression and low self esteem.  Thank. GOD I realized who I was in him.  I love the Lord, and I know that I am a child of God and the righteousness of Christ.  I wish more young women knew that they are more valuable than silver and gold.    GOD loves you and so do I.  I am comfortable with the skin that I am in.  God made each one of us special, uni

Real Love for Real People

Real love sees no boundaries, nor does it see color or ethnicity.  It always embraces, soothes, caresses, and shows meaning.  It does not tear down, or decieve in any way.  It does not keep an account of wrongs, nor does it boasts about how powerful it is.  It does not look for ways to mock or hurt what is in its possession.  Real love does not exemplify a person's faults, nor does it hate, belittle, or dishearten an individual. You look beyond my faults, flaws, and issues.  HE loves me for who I am.  Abba Father you see my worth.  YOU see the inside of my heart and spirit. Like a deer I pant and long for you, and am filled with your glourious presence.  YOU are the perfect example of love, and I praise your Holy name.

Well Done- Deitrick Haddon

I Will Not Be Defeated

There is a scripture in the Bible that says "I look to the hills where my help comes from my help comes from the Lord."  In my eyes that scripture has so much meaning, and it is vey close to my heart.  I can not tell you how many times that I have contemplated on this scripture, and it has spokn to my heart.  In this life I have had some storms that have spiraled out of control, yet I could always count on God to be a refuge in the time of those storms.  I have learned that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.  He will not change no matter what the season is. I have also developed a mindset that exudes nothing but positive thoughts.  I have decided to make positive affirmations everyday that God blesses me with.  I have made up my mind that I will not live with a defeated mentality.  I believe that as a child of God, and  a believer I can be victorious in every situation.  1 Corinthians 15:57 says "But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lo

Looking Forward To the New Year In God's Presence

       With each passing day all of my hope is renewed.  I have great expectations about each new day that God has given to me.  The past is behind me , and is nothing more than a memory.  My mind is set on my goals, and focused on the future before me.  I have always known that God had plans for my life.  Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."  Hallelujah, God wants me to prosper, and he will order my footsteps in His Word!!!  Psalms 119:133 says "Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me."  God has plans for each of us, and he wants all of us to prosper in life.   This year I am on fire with the word, and I am on fire for Jesus.  I am asking the Lord to let me walk in more love.  I want him to create in me a clean heart.  In Ezekiel 36:26 God said "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you.&