
Showing posts from August, 2013

God Has Got It!

 Coming Soon!!     God has all things under control He has the world in the palm of his hands Even when you are not sure about life God has got it You can be assured That he will supply all of your needs He will help you in every situation and you know that he has got it When you don't have money to pay your bills When you do not feel well in your body When you have trouble on the job Do not worry God has got it!! Be thankful unto the Lord have a heart of gladness Have an attitude of gratitude Because the Lord has got it He loves you He wants you to prosper He wants you to be well He wants you to trust in Him Do not worry Do not fret The Lord has got it!!     Copyright © Amanda Matthews       "Do not fret because of those evil      or be envious of those who do wrong;   for like the grass they will soon wither,      like green plants they will soon die away.   Trust in the Lord and do good;      dwell in th

The Power of Prayer

I believe there is power in prayer.  As I continue to delve deeper in my study of prayer and meditation I am learning many new things about the power of prayer.  Prayer is my time where I can communicate with God, and listen to his voice.  It is within the moment of prayer that I have discovered how powerful it is.  It is more than just a simple conversation , or a time to ask for help.  Prayer is my time to converse and commune with my Father. During prayer I am in the presence of God, and I have a sense of peace as I pray.  The Holy Spirit has taught me many aspects of prayer, and I have found that prayer in beneficial in my life as a Christian.  As I continue to walk with God I am in awe of the power that He has.  My time with God is very precious, and I look forward to communing with Him on a daily basis.  "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.&q

THE ANOINTED VOICE OF WRITTEN WORDS: Understanding School Violence and What You Can Do ...

THE ANOINTED VOICE OF WRITTEN WORDS: Understanding School Violence and What You Can Do ... : School is a place where a child is suppose to learn, and feel safe.  For most children it is a home away from home, because most of them wil...

Understanding School Violence and What You Can Do To Protect Your Children

School is a place where a child is suppose to learn, and feel safe.  For most children it is a home away from home, because most of them will spend all day in school.  Some children have learned to accept school as a place of refuge, because they have a terrible home life.  Some may rely on the guidance of teachers, and support staff to help them. In the past we have seen more accidents and tragedies that have been related to school violence.  School violence is youth violence that can occur on school property, or at school related events.  There are many things that can cause youth violence, and I have learned that a child's environment can be a leading factor.  For example a child that lives in an impoverished surrounding is more capable of causing an act of violence.  That may be true, but there are also other things that can lead to violence at school.  This  is just a matter of opinion, but there are a number of things that can cause a child to act out, or there may be safet

Prayer For the Children

God has placed it on my heart to raise awareness about the safety of our children.  For the next year I will be praying fervently for every child that is in our nation's schools.  Children are the most important assets for the future, and they need to be covered by God's protection.  In the past we have seen tragedies that have taken the nation by storm.  I am praying for a good start this school year, and hope that every  child has a safe, happy, and healthy school year. Starting September 26th I will be praying every day for the protection and health of our children.  I invite you to join me in asking God  to protect and keep our children safe from all harm and danger.  I truly believe that ALL children deserve to opportunity to learn, and receive a good education.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.   See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is i

The First Week of School

This week the children are back in school.  It all started with the events of open houses that had occurred over the weekend.  As a parent I have many expectations this school year, and I do plan to be involved in everything that the kids are doing.  This week is just the start of a great year, and I look forward of all the things to come. My prayer is for the Lord to bless the children to have a good productive year.  I pray that they will be happy, healthy, and able to accomplish all of their goals for the school year.  This is a prayer for all children that will be in schools all around the nation.  As a parent, and an educator I believe that all children deserve the opportunity to learn.  Until next time may the Lord bless you with peace and prosperity.

On Eagle's Wings

High above the clouds There is a place that I love to soar Eagles wings Taking flight Into the sky I can look beyond what is below me Deep down in the pits of the valley I can soar high in the sky On eagle's wings Like a bird I will take flight I will fly so high beyond the clouds I will spread my wings and fly Like a bird I will take flight   Copyright © Amanda Matthews        But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint"  Isaiah 40:31    In every situation we can find a way to look beyond our circumstances.  God always provides a way out of every circumstance, and we can trust in Him to help us with the solution to our problems.  Keep soaring high above all the bad things that  can occur in life.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.