Growing One Step at a Time This week Hannah the little artist

I have always encouraged my children to be the best, and work hard for the things that they want.  Each week I want to take the time to focus on the good things that my children are doing.  This week my daughter Hannah asked me to show her art work on my blog.  It is amazing what little hands can create, and she has a big imagination.  As a mom I want her to reach for the moon and stars.  She is a beginner, and has loved to paint since she was two years old.

As the years continue to go by, and she is exposed to different forms of art, I know that she will continue to grow as an artist.  She has a love of paintings by different artist, and is looking forward to art classes in the near future.  I believe that we need to encourage our children to be the best at whatever they decide to do.  My hope for my children is health, happiness, and a life full of prosperity.  I also want them to grow in the love and wisdom of the Lord.  Hannah is a 2nd grader, and has maintained straight As for most of the school year.  She is a very bright little girl, and I am very proud of her.  My focus is to help her reach her full potential as an artist, and encourage her that she can do anything that her heart desires.

Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right  Proverbs 20:11
Listen, my son, to your father's instruction   and do not forsake your mother's teaching. They will be a garland to grace your head and a chain to adorn your neck  Proverbs 1:8-9

This is my little artist, and I think that she is doing an awesome job.  I am loving the journey of motherhood, and I look forward to see what she will accomplish in life.  :)


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