
Showing posts from August, 2012

The Stranger That Found Jesus

He came to me with an open hand, and I felt a sense of sorrow.  I had to stare at the man for a while.  He had a sign that said I will work for food.  I reached into my bag and pulled out a Bible.  I placed it in his hand.  As  I turned to walk away he said "Miss what can I do with this?  He said I need change for something to eat"  I looked at him and I said to him. " Mister I can give you a small amount of change to get you a sandwich.  That will keep you for a few hours.  I can give you a few dollars, and that will feed you for the day.  But what I just gave you will feed you for the rest of your life." The word of God is food for the mind, body,and soul.  It will nourish and strengthen your body.  If you are thirsty drink from the fountain of the living waters, and it will quench your thirst.  The word of God will keep you in perfect peace.  The spirit of lack can be broken in your life.  God is a Lord of possibilities.  He is able to do all things, and has gi

New Business Coming

I would have to say that writing is the best thing that I have done.  For the last twenty years I have put my heart in soul into what I write.  I find great joy in something as simple as a pen and paper.  I love the fact that God has given me this talent to reach His people.  God has given spiritual gifts to all of us.  We just have to search deep down inside to find our true calling.  In October I will be launching my own business.  I am still in the process of working out all of the details, and the process has been a long one.  I am trusting God that it will be a success, and I am willing to put forth plenty of effort to make that happen.  If you have a dream, or a vision do Not let anything stop you from making that happen.  I am so excited about my new journey.  God has great plans for all of our lives.  Until next time may God bless you with peace and prosperity.


 When it seems like the world is on your shoulders And you have no where to turn Smile there is someone that loves you There is someone that cares God is always there when you call He is always ready to be your refuge You do not have to cry anymore God is there for you No problem is too big for the Father He is the one That will turn your world around God is the light He is the Creator He knows all that you are facing Just know that he sent His only Son To die on the cross for your sins God is great and HE is good I love the Lord I will give my testimony That He will save you From dangers seen and unseen Trust in Him For His mercy and grace Endures forever

Confession and Faith

In the Bible it says that faith is the substance of all things hoped for.  I believe that all things hoped for is what we want, or desire the Lord to do.  It says in the book of Hebrew 11:1 "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."  That is saying that we do not have a doubt that God will do all that he has promised.  As believers we should have trust in God.  We should believe that he has all power to deliver us fron the pits of darkness.  WE can trust in his word that he is able to go above and beyond the call to set us free from the bondage of the devil. I have faith in God, and I know that he is Omnipotent!  God is my deliverer and my help in a time of trouble.  I believe that God is able to do all things.  He is not like man that he shall lie.  He is God and he will deliver you.  It is only by faith that God will set you free.  Today I am believing God for my healing and I declare that God has all power to deliver me.  By my faith

Healing Is From God

With God all things are possible He is the creator of the earth and he has all power in His hands To do what you need him to do I know that God is able to change your circumstances He has the ability to give you a second chance I am a witness that Jesus Christ has come to bring life So that we can have it more abundantly By His mercy and grace we can have healing in our bodies and we can find relief in the mist of any storm 1st John 5:14 tells us "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us." What ever you need from the Father He will provide for you. It did not say that we had to stay sick in our bodies We can have a peace of mind, or rest for our souls. Just remember that God will never leave nor forsake you  


I believe that God is able to do all things.  With Him there is nothing impossible, or out of reach.  Today in our society we are plagued with so many diseases and problems.  People are literally living in fear and sickness.  In the Bible it says that "God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and self discipline."  2 Timothy 1:7  One thing that I have noticed is the number of diseases that is plaguing the earth.  Even the ones that have not been heard of for years are starting to run rampart.  I believe in my heart that God will heal our land if we turn aways from sin.  Exodus 23:25-26 says to "Worship the Lord your God, and His blessings will be on your food and water.  I will take sickness from among you."  Our bodies is the temple of the Lord, and we have to be aware of how we treat it.  We need to look at every aspect of our lives to see what we can change. Our children need to learn the importance of good health, and how to ha

Mary Mary - Go Get It
