
Showing posts from January, 2012

What Every Woman Deserves

Every woman deserves a man that is always available for her needs A man is a protector and a provider by nature It is a real man's obligation to take care of his family Every woman deserves a man that is gentle in spirit but he knows how to lead without being abusive A real man is not afraid of a little rain He knows that God is a refuge through the storm Every woman deserves a man That will stand strong in the time of opposition He knows that God has blessed him with a help mate that will stand by his side Every woman deserves a man that has the love of God and knows that he is made in the image of Christ He will take his family to the house of God Every woman deserves a man that will respect her He knows that she is all he needs in his life If a man has more than one woman he needs to reexamine the man in the mirror Every woman needs a man that understands the importance of love he will not compromise her love by being unfaithful If yo

Why Me? - Kierra "Kiki" Sheard


Bishop Clarence McClendon


In What Kingdom Do You Sow Your Seed?

      Message body In what Kingdom do you sow your seed? One can never work in a hospital and go to the church where he or she do not work and ask them to pay for the salaries. No it can never been done.Where a cow works that is were it grazes.  Many so called Christians today when you talk of supporting the work of God they turn their backs.  But they can spend their money in the things that does not give glory to God.  After you will see them saying God save me.  Why must God save you when you do not work for him.  It is only when a servant serves his master,then the master will save him or her.  Not only serving,  but you must serve well in order to be saved. The bible gives an account of people who serves in the kingdom of God, and they have been saved by God by reaping the fruit of their labour.  If you refuse to sow you will never reap a  harvest that is the principle.That is to say if you do not work for the kingdom of God , you will not be allowed to step in t


There are so many things that I have been fearful about in my life.  I have had so  many thoughts that have brought doubts to my mind.  I have spent many late nights crying and praying to the Lord for solutions to my problems.  I have even been physically sick from the mental stress  that I carried. As a single mother there are many issues and responsibilities that I have to handle.  At times I feel so overwhelmed by all of the things that I have to do.  I have four children that is depending on me to take care of them.  When I try to figure out the future that is where I have to deal with thoughts of doubt. When I lift my hands in prayer I am worshipping God, and giving him praise.  Isaiah 41:10 says "Do not fear for I am with you, for I am your God, I will strengthen you, Surely I will uphold you." (NASB) God's promises will always come to pass.  I am confident, and I have faith that God will always be with me.  I believe that He lives, and I do not have to worry ab


  There are many scriptures in the Bible that says that children are blessings.  God has spoken to me about the importance of children , and their needs.  With the new year in full swing there are so many things that can be done to help our youth.  In this generation there are things that the enemy has unleashed in our children.  Suicide is at a all time high among our teenagers.  Violence has plagued our schools, and our girls are dying to be thin. As a mother I am concerned about what is happening with our children.  The Bible says that "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." (Psalm 127:3)  Each little boy and girl are designed by God.  Every child has a purpose, and God has known this from the beginning of time.  I am so blessed to know that God has chosen me to be a mom.  John 16:21 says "When a woman is giving birth she has sorrow, because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the a

Living the Massive (Part 1)


Medina Pullings - A Kingdom Word!!!!


Bishop T.D. Jakes - Free Your Mind


Winning the War in your mind Part 1 of 3 - Creflo Dollar


Bishop Noel Jones "Lord Double My Anointing"


Learning to Appreciate Life

   When I look into my son's eyes I notice that there is something missing.  Just a year ago he was vibrant and happy.  No one could beat him playing basketball, or playing video games.  Today he is in his own little world.  You see my son was diagnosed with autism in 2002.  From that point he has regressed in his verbal and social skills.  I always try to encourage him, but he still struggles to speak. My other children have trouble understanding what is happening to him.  They ask me questions like "Will my brother get better?"  I believe in my heart that my son will speak again, and do the things that has brought him joy in the past.  I love to see him laugh, and have fun with his siblings. As a parent it is very frustrating to see your child struggle to do things for himself.  I know that he is not the only child that has autism or special needs.  When I look at a child with special needs I see beauty in them.  Each child is unique, and special in their own

The Faith that Conquerors 1/6


I Found A Way Out Pt. 1- Jamal Bryant
